Denied Rewardinqs Staff Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):

I am currently 15 years of age.

Region (EU/NA/Other):

North America

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes, I do.

(Trial-Mod) / Resigned)

(Senior-Mod / Demoted due to a demotion wave.)

(Media-Manger / Resigned)

There are many more servers that I have been staff on, but these are my main staff experience.
I was staff on each of these servers for over a 6 month period.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

There are many reasons why I would like to become a staff member here at the SagePVP
Network. I would like to start by saying that I have always loved the SagePVP Network
and its community. I really believe that Sage is one of the best servers out right now.
With that being said I the main reason I would like to be come staff is so I can
spend time helping people on the server. Not only am I able to spot cheaters, and ban hackers.
I am also really good at communicating with people via TeamSpeak, discord, and in game. Going more into
communication I would like to say that one of my favorite things to do when staffing is doing support rooms.
I have always enjoyed doing support rooms. Not only can you interact with the community, but you can also have fun (Professionally of course).
With all that being said I am also aware that being professional is a very important part of being a staff member. I am able to be professional at times when needs be, and I am able to laugh and joke around when needs be.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If accepted I would be spending most of my free time on the server doing support rooms, and
if there is no one in TeamSpeak I will be looking at reports on the server. If accepted I will also log on
kits every once and a while and connect with the community.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would half to rate my honesty at 9.9. First off because nothing and no-one is perfect in anyway. To go into
more detail the reason that I rate myself as a 9.9 is because I always try to tell the truth no matter what, but everyone makes mistakes.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

No I do not.

Additional Information?:

Thank you for reading my application.​


New member
No detail bro
You needa provide proof of your experience
Not that great of experience either but it’s doable