Denied RealDemonPots Staff Application ( NA )

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):



I am currently 15 years of age.

Region (EU/NA/Other):

NA (North America)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Trail-Moderator - ValorHCF - 10-75 active players daily (Merged to CavePVP) Proof:

Media-Owner/Media Manager - AzialPVP - 15-20 active players daily (Resigned) Proof: Message @Turben on telegram

TerrorPVP - Senior Admin - 20-30 active players daily (Resigned) Proof:

SaritaPVP - Platform-Admin - 25-50 active players daily (Resigned) Proof: None - Moderator - 50-120 active players daily (Resigned) Proof: None

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to become a staff member here at the SagePVP network because I truly want to make a bigger
impact on the community. Truthfully I have not always been the best person. Over the past few months
I have realized that I need to change. So I thought to myself "What would be the best way to go from being toxic to helping other people".
Recently I have been looking back at the mistakes I have made while playing Minecraft, and some of the things are unforgettable.
Although on the other hand all we can do is grow, and move past mistakes. If you learn to move past your mistakes that will give you the time to grow from them
so you don't have to make them again. Sage will forever be like a home to me. With all that being said the main reason I want to become staff on sage is to
improve myself, and to improve the community.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If accepted I could help the players experience by banning cheaters, and helping them with
what they need help with. Although it does go deeper than that. As much as kind words can make
someone's day. If you are kind to other people they will be kind to you, and if accepted that is the role
I will play as a staff member here at SagePVP. If accepted I promise to place 100% of my time and dedication
into the network. I also promise to be 100% loyal to the server under any circumstances. I will always be here for the
SagePVP network, and all of its players, and staff. Another reason why I should be accepted is because I'm also
a funny guy, and I am really great at making friends. If assigned to do something with another staff member I would
be able to do that with no hesitation at all. I am also trustworthy, and for this one I believe it is more
of a see to believe type thing. I truly care so much for the SagePVP network, and I really want to be here for the network
in another way than just being staff. So with all that being said, thank you.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

On a scale 1-10 I would half to choose eight. I choose that because I try to be a really
great staff member, but the truth is I don't believe that I have reached my potential. I believe
that there is always room to get better and grow over time. So there is no way I could choose
anything lower than an eight.

Additional Information?:

I just really want to make a bigger impact on the community, and I feel that it would be best done at Sage. I really love and respect the SagePVP community.
I would also like to thank anyone who takes the time out of their day to read this.​


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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