Random 1s


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Bard pp item gives random buffed effects like the old viper bard. bring full invis back. nerf ninja cd and add another item to tp with like the eye that tps from water or trapper executor. more events for ranks keys or faction tags just like a while ago that you did a montage contest for tags [we won]. better partners like that lolitsalex2 or 3 i think was a very good partner kids like zaues and random spanish kids that dont post dont mean shit tbh im sure lambo and audi hell maybe even bambe if you lucky yeah sure it will cost alot but more traction is always better then the same player count over and over. add leg lbs back to bundles and make the old price which was like 50usd for big 1 30usd for small. make ranks in gamble keys longer times like im not being mean but a ares 7d rank does nothing tbh.
make ftop raidable more compy like im not tryna grind a map for buycraft if thats even a thing even like a 100 dollar buycraft or 25 paypal or sum shit wouldnt be bad. make a partner item crate that only gives pp items. make partner items that have partner names on them like for example zaues rage ability also melonite im sure still like will play if you ask but i beg get better partners. REMOVE custom disguises like people get disguises of people like pure and rp as them cause there fucking harmless and will never be good just remove them tbh no use. base raiding events. 2 points per kill would be alot better. rank giveaways and bring back op keyalls [only on sotw]. make faction bundle the og 1 the first time it came out and make it so it comes with ranks like a 3d sage 7d kronos 14d ares or something.
bring back portable back stabs. archer abilities like black gives wither ever couple of archer tags or gray gives slowness green gives poison and so on. pearl blockers pp item if you hit them 3 times they cant pearl for 10 seconds.