Denied Pxez's staff application


Active member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): My ign is Pxez, and u can also find me on NameMC

↬ Age: I am currently 15 years of age.

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): I am EU, from Sweden.

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I have previously been a moderator on an HCF server called SatellitePVP. The server had about 30 players daily and on SOTW up to 100 players.

SatellitePVP shut down because the owner did not put in the effort to try and improve the server so the players left and went to play different servers.

I was also staff on a Swedish server a long time ago and then I was also Trial-Moderator. The server was called MultiPVP. It was mainly a kitpvp server but it had many different modes, but they weren't any players on the other modes it was only kitpvp. I got demoted from that server because I was very immature and young to be staff and I decided to make god armor and pvp in it. I realize now what I did was very wrong and that I should not abuse it for personal amusement.

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: I want to help the community grow as well as make it a cheater-free and enjoyable server for the players who are online. As a staff member, I will do my best to improve the experience for the players on the server in the best possible way

I am mature for my age and I would like to make the player experience better and more fun. I will not choose sides if I am friends with a player who is in trouble I will treat them fairly the same way I would treat everyone else, because I believe that nobody should be treated differently

I will do my best to try to lower the toxicity in the sage community chat so that the players don't feel unmotivated to keep playing. I hate toxicity as it makes me in a worse mood, I know how it feels to be the victim of toxicity and I dislike it.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If I got accepted I would do my best to improve the player experience as I said before, with cheaters and toxicity I would treat people fairly and respectfully and I would try to improve the player count on sagepvp network.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I am an 8 or 9/10 because I am very loyal, I rarely lie, and if I do it's a joke. I am an honest person and if I have lied I come clean afterwards and admit my mistakes.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) I don't know if it counts since they are Trial-Moderators, but i3ooby and Jonkehh.

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): I am a very active guy and this is my schedule, but some weeks it may be different because of school.

Monday: 3-4 hours

Tuesday: 4-5 hours

Wednesday: 5-6 hours

Thursday: 3-4 hours

Friday: 4-5 hours

Saturday: 7 hours max

Sunday: 7 hours max

↬ What is your discord @?: My discord name is Pxez#2877

↬ Additional Information (optional): I speak Fluent English and Swedish. I am learning Spanish so I know a little of that as well.