Denied Pr0fanity's Staff Application


New member




Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Rank on Server: Administrator
Reason for Departure: Demotion
Player Count: 200-500 per SOTW

Rank on Server: Senior-Administrator
Reason for Departure: Resignation
Player Count: 50-100 per SOTW

Rank on Server: Admin/Partner
Reason for Departure: Resignation
Player Count: 300-500 per SOTW

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I'd like to join the staff community on (server name) for a variety of reasons. I'd like to help with any cheaters, rule breakers, or anyone producing general toxicity on the server. I'd also like to try and enforce the server's rules while keeping the overall environment clean. I appreciate helping servers with any issues they may have and in general assisting them in staying alive. I'd like to know that I'm maintaining the server a comfortable area for gamers to hang out in and that I'm building a great community. It would also be a lot of fun to join the staff team. I'd like to become a part of the staff team so that I may interact with my fellow staff friends and assist with server updates and releases. I am self-motivated and have a lot of initiative which would make me a great addition to the staff team.

I believe I have the ability to respond quickly to any issues that players may experience on the server and to resolve the issue to the best of my ability. When I'm given a task, I push myself to finish it to the best of my ability and with confidence in my work. I'm always on TeamSpeak, so I can immediately assist players who require help. I think I'd like working as a staff member on a server with such a large player base as Sage. I played Sage for about two months before quitting MC, and I believe I'm ready to begin contributing to the community in this way. I'd like to get rid of the rule breakers and cheaters who ruin other people's experiences. I want everyone on the server to be having fun and enjoying their time in the community to the fullest.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I aim to make the community a welcoming environment for people of all ages and genders. Overall, I'd like to be a member of the staff team because I enjoy assisting others, and I also want to keep the community alive and make it an enjoyable place for everyone to hang out. During my time as a staff member, I'd like to become a more active member of the HCF community and make a lot more friends. I know a lot about HCF, but I'd like to learn more about all of the commands and features. I'd like to join the server's team because I admire the server's professionalism and how each staff member acts and behaves.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
If I am being completely honest, I would have to say a 8. I want to start off by saying, I am a changed person then who I was before. In my Additional Information I also stated my past and who I was before, so I do not want to continue with repetition. I want to make it known that people do make mistakes and with those mistakes come with more opportunities and chances. I am also aware that I am more so knew to HCF again after quitting for a year, so I want to make it clear that mistakes will not be made as I am making sure I work on these things every day. I also know that this is one of my few posts if not only post on the forums and I want to make sure with the players/staff reading this that I am as honest as possible. Even if people think or have other opinions, the best we can do as people is respect others and treat them the same regardless what anyone thinks. Therefore, I do not want to give myself a 10 because my previous self would say otherwise.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:
Before anyone hears my IGN (Pr0fanity) and hates, let me explain a few things. In the past, yes I was a toxic individual. Most people hated me and didn't like me and thought of me as toxic and rude. This was over a year ago and I have made a return to playing HCF and came back for the better. Instead of hating on me or reading an IGN and assuming things, to the people who hate me at least give me a chance. I promise that what I have done before has been dealt and I have changed for the better. Now, I am a nice and funny person to be around who does not tolerate any toxicity or negativity toward others. I appreciate this chance I have and hope most of you guys see me as a new person and someone who has came back for the better.
One thing as well, I was also partnered with SagePvP before I quit and can show video proof if needed for anything to show I love sage and have always enjoyed it as a server! :)
My Schedule: (TimeZone - PST)
Monday: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Tuesday: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Wednesday: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Thursday: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Friday: 6:00PM - 11:00PM
Saturday: 8:00AM - 3:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Background Information:
Hi, my name is Christian also known as Pr0fanity. I play Minecraft and also other PC related games. I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and walking my dog. I love playing games and also making people laugh.

Telegram: Pr0fanityy
Discord: christiann#9171
YouTube: Pr0fanity
Current Time: 5:34 PM (Sunday) - 11/21/2021