Denied PickledOnions Staff Application

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New member




Do you have any previous staff experience?

(Click rank for proof)
Mod @ AngelPvP (No Proof)
Mod+ @ FiercePvP (Only proof of Mod)
Senior Mod @ AuraPvP
I was also staff on small servers that got about 50 players on SOTW, I don't have proof of these but I'll list them. Mod @ HCKingdoms. SrMod @ Fractine.

Why would you like to become a staff member?


The competitive aspect of Sage is one of the main reasons I applied for staff. Sage has such a great competitive side and I have been on that side of HCF for a while now. I think Sage has such a great future and I want to be early to all of it and also help it reach that point.

I would like to become staff on sage as I want to get the most amount of HCF experience and staff experience possible on so many different servers. Sage seems like a great place to move on to and I plan on staying here for as long as possible. I have a huge amount of HCF experience and I know I would do great on Sage and would be a great contribution

I feel like staff are at the forefront of servers and having a good staff team really makes an impact on the servers, the players, and people's overall review of the server as the staff represent it. I believe staff need to be professional at all times and treat everyone equally which I will do completely. I want to become staff because I want to help improve not only Sage but the HCF community in general, most people who play on Sage I guarantee play other HCF servers, and being staff on just one of them will help them and also make them feel differently about Sage and also they could input ideas they have on other servers into sage also. I also want to become staff because I know I wouldn't get bored on here, there is a great amount of daily players, players on SOTW and there would be a lot to do always.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?
I would improve players' experience by adding great ideas to help the server, (On my previous servers I came up with a bunch of new partner item ideas) And I wouldn't be toxic. I would help them in every way possible and try to make everyone have the best time on the server as I can, I want to be someone the players like and trust, and I would never be toxic and bring down the server. I would familiarise myself with all the rules, staff rules, and differentiating rules for the server, e.g Pearling Rules, etc. I would take into consideration every idea, suggestion, and bug and report them to help the server grow. Things that set HCF servers apart are having things that no other HCF provides. I would help be a part of that.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate my honesty 6-8 because I'm an honest person and I don't lie unless it is extremely necessary. I treat all players the same and wouldn't be biased or abusive whatsoever. I'm loyal and all the servers I have been staff on I have been for a decent amount of time except Angel as I didn't see potential in the servers like all the others I was staff on.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?


Anything else?
Please leave ANY feedback in the comments as it always helps me improve.



Well-known member
The application could use way more detail
Seems kinda rushed
Decent experience

Kind regards, Diego / xPoquu


Established member
heard you were extremely toxic at fierce
i remember you getting denied recently at a network, i think it was cave
rest stated above


New member

Literally got striked for immaturity, they abused and got away with it.
Be aware managers!
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