Denied P8B's Staff Application.



IGN (In-Game Name): P8B
Age: 16 nearly 17.
Region (EU/NA/Other):

NA (EST time zone)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes I do:

SagePvP: I was staff on SagePvP over a year ago, we averaged around 150-400 players on SOTW (Start Of The World),
I had a mentor by the name of Recruits, I made it to the Moderator rank within a week of becoming a staff member, I decided to resign one day and then the next day some of my fellow staff members convinced me to stay, when I told Botings that I am no longer resigning he still decided to blacklist me claiming he was in fear of me ETB'ing the server, which was never my intention.

PotsHQ: I was staff on a server by the name "PotsHQ", it averaged around 5-150 players on our first SOTW (Start Of The World), I was a moderator on PotsHq before the server owner decided to close it after our first start of the world since the player count didn't reach his expected player count, I actually came in conctact with this player when I was accepted on SagePvP his name was "castr" and me and him managed to become pretty good friends and stay up late night's helping players and laughing together.

LunarHCF: No, not the LunarHCF you are all thinking about, it was a server that was created around 4 years ago, I was the youngest staff member on the entire staff team but still managed to be the most professional even in times of distress, for example when we were being ETB'ed, the server only averaged around 20-30 players and wasn't the greatest of my experiences.

PS: I was accepted on other servers in the past but couldn't make the interview since I was super busy at that moment in my life.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I wouldn't like to become a staff member, I would love to become a staff member and my reasoning for that is, I enjoy helping people no matter the time or occasion, I'm very good at problem solving in situations that include harsh language or threats towards another player, I would like too maintain the wellbeing of the server assuring that every player in need of assistance will receive all the help I can provide.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I am a very well spoken person, I like to hear both sides of the story before I come up with a conclusion to a problem, I am also a very fair person, if somebody broke a rule on accident and clearly didn't mean too then I will try my best to hear them out and handle the situation how it should be handled, I'm very mature and professional about what I do, I do not normally joke around with people, I can have a good laugh when let's say me and a few of the staff members are in a private staff channel but that's about it, I also really enjoy helping people, as previously stated in the "Why would you like to become a staff member" section of the format.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate my honest a 9-10, I am not saying that just to sound like a better person, I genuinely do not lie, I am the most blunt person most people have ever met, some may take it as me being rude or disrespectful but in reality it's just me portraying my honesty, not to make a sob story or anything but for most of my life I've been lied to by people I thought I could trust, so now in a serious situation I would never stoop to there low's and lie to somebody no matter the outcome of the truth.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
If Recruits is still staff he can vouch for me, he was actually my mentor when I was previously staff on SagePvP, if you happen to be reading this Recruits, I miss you man.
Additional Information
At this exact moment in time I am not in possession of a mic that can be spoken through, although I can hear through it, as soon as the lockdown lift's I am heading to the Walmart in my area to exchange my mic for a new one through warranty.


Active member
It looks rushed and seems like you don't care, there is Bold writing with a mix of Unbold writing which doesn't look neat, I will change my feedback if you can fix the format and make it look more appropriate.

Best of luck


It looks rushed and seems like you don't care, there is Bold writing with a mix of Unbold writing which doesn't look neat, I will change my feedback if you can fix the format and make it look more appropriate.

Best of luck
I'm just realizing the bold and unbolded responses, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.


Established member
Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.

I'd suggest using this time to add a lot more detail for your next application.