Denied Overfunds Staff Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:


Manager(Playerbase 200-300 Shutdown)

T-Mod through Sr.Mod(50-100 playerbase shutdown)

OG CavePvP:
T-Mod through Sr.Mod(Resigned//50 playerbase)

Owner(Resigned// Playerbase 100-200)
Me and my friend were able to grow their discord in the matter of less then a week.

Trial-Mod through Sr.Mod(Shutdown//Playerbase (50-200)

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
There are numerous reasons why i would like to become a staff member on the SagePvP network. First I want to make sure that if accepted I can help my fellow staff members if they need any help at all. Whether it be in teamspeak or in game. Also I would love to help the server continue to grow from where it first started which of course was nothing. Without our staff helping the playerbase have a overall fun time on this network then it wouldn't be possible to continue growing and reaching bigger marks in the servers history.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

The players experience on the server is the utmost important because if the player is not liking their experience on the server then we lose that one player. Each and every player on the server means the most because that player can be the one to help us set new records on the server. Whenever i am in teamspeak or on the server i will make sure that each and every player gets all the help they need. Whether I have the perms or not, if I do not then I will ask someone who has permission to help me with the situation. I will always be for the players and never EVER biased based on how someone sounds, their username, their past or anything in that manner. My job on the server as a staff member is to help each and every single player with what is needed as long as I have the permission to do so and if not of course i will get the assistance of a higher staff member.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

If i were to personally rate my honesty i would give myself a 9. The main reason I would rate myself so high is because there is no reason I need to lie to someone who i either do not know at all or know personally. I am here to be true to myself and not be at someone's convenience or cover up a lie. Under no circumstance I would ever feel the need to lie because I am not trying to impress anyone by lying nor gain a friendship because if you lie then you mainly would be building your reputation to yourself on a bunch of lies.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Schedule(Could be more on different days):
Monday: 5-9 hours
Tuesday: 5-9 hours
Thursday: 5-9 hours
Wednesday: 5-9 hours
Thursday: 5-9 hours
Friday: 5-9 hours
Saturday: 5-9 hours
Sunday: 5-9 hours

Why choose me over any other applicant?:
I believe i should be chosen over every other applicant because not only my experience on big HCF servers but overall i am a people person. I understand how difficult it can be not only to own a big HCF server but to make sure every single player gets the help they need. Whether it be through TeamSpeak, rolling back a base or overall banning hackers. As stated before I am never biased or an individual who tells lies because at the end of the day the truth will always come out.

Able to take criticism:
No matter what none of us are perfect and I am always open to ways to make myself better as a staff member in any way shape or form without getting mad at the individual who is giving me some advice. From there not only would I take the criticism but I would make sure I implement it going forward to better my staffing duties.

I am not only reliable but I am responsible and able to make sure if someone needs something done from me I can do the job without hesitation as long as it is in my hands and I have the permission to do so.

Responsibility has a big part in management as well but I not only understand how it is to manage but I understand how it is to manage your time well as well as overall you managing balancing everything going on in your life at every given moment.

How would I benefit the server?:
I would not only benefit the server not only through my time but I can make sure each and every person who needs help not only on the SOTWs but every single day the server is up gets the needed assistance they are looking for. Then if I need help from a higher up staff member that is where I wouldn't hesitate because at the end of the day we are all here to help each other. I will never EVER put my personal beliefs infront of the player no matter what they say. I am a staff member and my job is to make sure each and every person who is coming into TeamSpeak or in game is getting a good playing experience without person conflicts.

I have that never die attitude and make sure every single person who joins, plays the server and overall stays on SagePvP enjoys their time on the server as well as the assistance they need. I know especially from a players perspective how hard it can be not only playing a server with a big player base but also the frustration of not understanding anything, dying to hackers or cheaters. Especially being in the HCF community for nearly 6 years now I understand the ins and outs of not only the players point of view but the staffs point of view. I have the attitude of either put everything i have into something I am doing or it was never worth attempting in the first place. When staff on a server the staff team works together and never apart because if the staff team does not get along then it wouldn't be "a well oiled machine."

(I was told i was able to repost it incase of any confusion//I added what was needed)