Denied OliTamale Staff Application.


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): My official Minecraft username is OliTamale.
Age: I am 15 years old.
Region (EU/NA/Other): SA
Do you have any previous staff experience?: No, I don't have a previous staff experience. I can gain knowledge by other staff members. I am a fast learner. Even if I am eligible for coding I can help the server with it. Currently I am going to coding class in BrightChamps. Soon after one more project I will start doing coding's in python. If I get this one chance of being a staff member I will help the server and also invite as many players as I can. I have a better knowledge of Hardcore Factions. I had my own server called IsaacFaction, its a private server that I made the server in Aternos I just invited my friends and started playing the faction world. Unfortunately, I removed the server as my friend had serious family emergency. I will be a great staff. I will ban as many rule breakers as I can. As we all know, We all don't like rule breakers.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I see this chance as a way to help the community. I wish I can donate the server as much as I can but me myself doesn't enough money to eat and buy things. This is the great opportunity to help the community. Therefore, I applied for staff here.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I will improve players experience by banning as many rule breakers. I agree that everyone in the server hates rule breakers. If I could I can make a new gamemode in the SagePVP network.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would give 5. I admit I will lie but I will be honest towards all starting from today. Please forgive me if I lied to any of the staff in future.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?: I have YouTube channel with 6 subscribers. I can link my channel here: My channel name is IsaacGaming. I just joined YouTube few weeks ago. Thank you.


Sorry, but we won't move forward with your staff application. You may re-appeal in 2 weeks.