Denied OffSpam's Staff Application

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New member
IGN: OffSpam
Age: 15
Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time
Country: Australia
Do you own a quality microphone? yes
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: yes
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: yes i was staff on
Why do you want to become staff?: Because i'm a very active member of the community and feel like i my skills would be well used on sagepvp
Why should we accept you as staff?: well if you where to accept me as staff id try my hardest to impress you guys and do my best on the server and in the community, id always be doing my best in everything i could and id appropriate it a lot
Additional Information: Im 15 and the server got shutdown becuase there wasnt enought players

- You must be at least 15 years old
- Must be an active member of the forums and the server
- You must have at least one previous HCF staff experience
- You may not plagiarise or copy another users application
- You can not be a toxic member of the community
- You may not apply using other links (ex. google docs)
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