Denied NQ0's Staff Application [NA]

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Active member
IGN (In-Game Name):
NQ0 is my current IGN.

I am currently 15.

Central Time Zone.

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):

I was previously a Sr.Mod on a server called WaterWay, A new prison server that was released a month and a half ago, there I learned all the basics such as, acting professional, staying on task and helping others, I learned a lot there in my opinion, my job was to basically monitor the chat and help others if I found any cheaters I would have to report them to a higher staff member, I also learned that when it came to me being on there I would have to be strict, such as enforcing the rules and warning players for bad language or bad behavior.


I was a Helper on MineVille, here I actually got to practice my staffing strategies and gained a lot more experience. I learned how to multitask without messing up on something or becoming stressed, I gained a lot of staffing knowledge from MineVille. I also learned discipline and being responsible, This goes a long way that forms me as a better staff member and it helps me do my job right. Here is where I actually got to spec players and ban them, I picked up a couple of things that could help me realize that a player is hacking even if it's not that blatant, This server really taught me a lot and the skills/knowledge and I still have these skills till this day.


I was a Mod and here and I gained more knowledge and experience on this server, I learned how to SS, this helped a lot when it came to people cheating, I learned some new things from this server and just continued to practice my staffing strategies.

BreachPvP: I was a Helper on BreachPVP, Here I continued Growing and learned a lot more things, I got to practice Ssing’s for a bit. I also helped in Discord Support and picked up new knowledge and more staffing experience. All the staffing experience that I have picked up has really formed me to be a professional and mature Staff Member.

I was also Platform-Admin on HClucid a while back, But I have evidence atm. I will try and get something. I learned a lot from here as well, I got to SS more and handle with payments sometimes, I would also work in TS sometimes and improve on my knowledge.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I think I would be a good staff member cause I would love to give a helping hand and help the community out, I will make sure to put myself as a role model for the players and give an example on how to act so they won't be toxic. I also think I would be a good staff member cause I am strict, This leads me to deal with players easier and not letting anything slide, Cause letting things slide leads to players thinking it's fine so they do it again and again, I will not let anything slide, Being strict lets players know I wanna be here and do my job right, I would also like to be staff cause I love helping, Every new player will get help from me and I will make them feel welcome so they stay on the server, I also believe I should be staff cause I am mature, This leads to me acting professional and not acting like a clown on the server and it also leads me to do my job properly, I am also fair, this leads to me treating all the players the same and equal, I pick no favorites, being fair helps the community by treating everyone equal and respecting everyone the same, I will also do my best to answer questions and deal with rule breakers to keep the community Non-Toxic, I also think I would be a good staff member cause I am hard working and I put all my effort and dedication into things, I will put all my time and effort into this server to help the community. Finally, I think I should be Staff because I will put all my time into this server, this leads to me being active, being active leads to me helping more players and welcoming new ones and assisting them, I guarantee dedication and hard work on the tasks I am given and also being staff on here can expand my areas of knowledge, and I also guarantee my focus on the community to assist others. I also think I should be a Staff because I believe that I am eligible to apply my hard working skills to make the gaming experience better while achieving complete player satisfaction and fun time. I have some sort of my own standards of maturity while being a staff member and I will make sure to live up to them, Also when it comes to being staff I ignore arguments or don't get in drama because it can lead to Toxicness and the community will learn off of that like I said before.

Activeness: I am Always active, this leads to me being on Task and helping a lot more people, Me being active Can also lead to me catching more rule-breakers and cheaters.

Being Professional: Me being professional can lead to a lot of things such as Making the staff team look professional and organized, it can also lead to me doing my job right and Set a role model for the community and an example of how to act. It’s important to be professional so the community isn’t Toxic and out of control.

Experience: I have been staff on many different servers, I have picked up a lot of skills/knowledge throughout staffing. Because of this experience I won't really be confused or lost on most things, I know how to get through most situations and multitask.

Duty/Loyalty: I am always on duty and I'm always paying attention, My loyalty goes a long way which leads to my dedication and hard work. I am almost never slacking, I'm on top of everything and make sure things get done.

Team Player/Working with other staff: This takes a huge part in the staff team, and It’s what makes the staff team so great. I am talkative and I prefer to work with other people, This leads to the job/duty being successful and it gets the job done faster.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I would try my absolute hardest to improve the player's experience by being active, Me being active can lead to me helping more people and a greater chance of always having a staff member there for help even If It's not me. Me being active can also lead to a greater chance of dealing with more rule breakers, Getting Rule breakers punished will improve the player's experience which will make it fair for all the players. Another reason on how I can improve the player experience is working with staff, Working with staff and communicating goes a long way and will help the community by making the gaming experience better for all players. Working with other staff members will get the job done faster and while we are working other people may come up with bright ideas to help. Another reason is doing my Job correctly, Doing my job correctly will lead me to be successful when helping players and not messing up, Me doing my job correctly will go a long way in improving the players experience for everyone. ANOTHER reason is me being active in Teamspeak and helping players there, A lot of players will have problems so they go in Ts, That's where I'll come in and help them. I can also improve the player's experience by being Fair, No picking sides or starting fights, Being Fair can lead to settling things and being honest when it comes to helping players. Another way I can improve the player's experience is by Personality, This will help me a lot because I am a chill person and talkative if needed, I'm always down to help a player no matter what. I have a positive vibe so that will reflect on other players. All these ways lead to something that can make me stand out and improve not only the Players experience but the Community as well.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Yes, J7P.

Additional Information?: No, Thank you.
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Veteran Member
Lots of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors throughout the application.
Barley any experience

Good luck
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