NotValidz application


What is your current IGN (in-game name)?

How old are you?

Are you fluent in English?

What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?

What is your Discord & Telegram?
alexaubinpng | @GucciTugBoat

Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?
I do not have any.

Why do you want to be a staff member?
A few reasons I would like to be staff start out with my passion for HCF, I have been playing HCF since 2018 and do really love the game mode and its aspects. Secondly I would like to be staff to help others. I understand a lot of HCF's Rules and basics and I feel I would be awesome at helping others. Also I would like to be staff as I am good with community engagement, If I work my way up to the role where I am able to do events or sorts, I know how to host fun game modes and events to make people want to play. Reason #4 is for skill development, Sagepvp would be a amazing server to develop my staffing skills on. Last reason I want to be staff is for achievements, I would love to work my way up to the highest staff rank over time possible, I really don't plan on leaving sage at all!

What makes you better than other applicants?
think I'm a good fit for the role because I've got some cool skills that I've picked up from playing HCF a lot and being part of other servers. I'm pretty good at talking to people and helping them out when they need it. Plus, I know a bunch about how HCF works and I'm always coming up with new ideas to make the game more fun for everyone. I'm super into HCF and I really care about making sure everyone has a good time playing. I'm extremely good at sorting out arguments or rulebreakers to. As well as I am very dedicated to the server, I will be on for many hours a day showing how hard I work. Lastly is my availability, All I really do is school and work and maybe a occasional friends party, other than that I am extremely available to staff!

How active can you be per day?
M-F: 5+ Hours
S-S: 6+ Hours

Can any current staff members vouch for you?

Are you willing to learn to screenshare?
I am extremely willing for it.

Anything else you would like us to know?
I know I do not have staff experience, And I know that's one of the keen importance's of becoming staff but I would love for SagePvP to be my first ever server.​
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Active member
+0 Since hes my fac member, 1 Thing I would recommend if you get staff is to take it slow and learn the basics Completely and thoroughly as you dont have experience.


Active member
0,5+, your a really smart guy from all the yap ive heard in vc before, but you should really add more detail to the app + no real experience (im not sure if your familliar with server cmds and etc)