Denied MyNameisJeff Staff app -

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IGN (In-Game Name):


EST (Eastern Standard Time)

United States of America

Do you have a good quality mic?:
I would say it is decent.

Do you have Telegram and Teamspeak?:
Telegram-@MyNameisJeffReal and I do have Teamspeak.

How many hours can you put in the server per week:

During School year

Monday -6-7 hours usually

Tuesday - 6-7 hours usually

Wednesday - 6-7 hours usually

Thursday - 6-7 hours usually

Friday - All night/Day

Saturday- All Day


Sunday - All day depending on family activities.

During Summer
pretty much all day every day unless a family trip pops up.

Any previous punishments on Sagepvp?: no

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:

ViperMC HCF (Mod)
At ViperMC, I learned to become a way better Screensharer and it also helped me learned to staff on a big server.

ViperMC Factions (Trial Mod)
This is where I first learn to ss which then evolved later on.

Centile (Admin)

Sagepvp - Mod - Awhile ago -

HybridMC (Trial Mod) --- Long time ago so no proof.

IcebreakerMC (Admin) ---Long Time ago so no proof.
Both IcebreakerMC and HybridMC were my first servers to staff on where I learned the basics.

Why do you want to become staff?:

I would love to become staff on sagepvp because I am seeking a new and better opportunity for myself. I believe sagepvp will give me the best opportunity and best experience I could imgaine. I am more than excited to be able to help sagepvp in anyway I can. I would love to have the ability to reduce the toxicity and reduce the number of hackers both blatant and closet. Cheaters are a great cause of what ruins hcf/practice So I want to be able to help reduce them to make the server as enjoyable as it can be. I am very active in TS so I will do my best to not have players waiting for an extreme amount of time. Becoming staff will give me the opportunity to make new friends and increase my overall experience. It will be amazing to get more involved in the sagepvp community and help anyway I can.
Another reason why I would like to become staff on sagepvp is that I just genuinely love the community and I am glad to be a part of that amazing community. I am an active and dedicated player on the server. I will help to create an enjoyable server for the sagepvp community. I'm passionate about helping players and I'm committed to being a staff member with a lot of punishments. Finally, I want to come to sagepvp to become even more involved within the community and overall help faithful by adding another great staff member. I believe sagepvp will be a great server to help me further my knowledge/experience of being a staff member. I also believe that sageepvp is going to give me the fresh start I need. I will be loyal and stay at for as long as can be. This fresh start will be an opportunity to make friends and increase my staffing knowledge.

Why should we accept you as staff?:

I have:

Responsibility: I am very responsible when needed to be. I know you have to be very responsible to handle the job of being a staff member, which is why I am a good choice for staff because I have already learned how to be responsible. I sometimes fool around when I am with
friends/fellow staff, but when talking on the server or in TS/Discord I give my best behavior and I don't act childish in front of the players.

Teamwork: Teamwork is essential to being a staff member. No staff should be going solo/ working alone, although sometimes it is fine to work alone but teamwork gets the job done more efficiently and effectively with more minds thinking together.

Communication: Alongside Teamwork, is communication which is key. Without proper communication, a lot of misunderstandings will happen.

Maturity: All staff members need to do their job maturely and professionally which I can do. I am a very mature (unless not working, or have some fun time with friends or staff) and I'm very professional when it comes to staffing on the server. I can handle most situations in a very grownup matter and I have what it takes to show my maturity through being staff.

Activity: I always put 100% into staffing and I will put a lot of hard work each day while being staff, to prove I am loyal to the server and keep my hours on the server professional. During school, I can usually do around 4-7 hours and during breaks or summer usually all day. Another way I show my activity as a staff member is through Ts, Discord, and the Forums.

Patience: I have learned when people come in TS, and they need help, staff sometimes don't take the time to understand the player fully and the problem. I have learned you need to be very patient with the players and get all the details they will give you. Patience is very important when staffing and will help you in the long run. I have remembered to always be patient with each and every player who needs help.

Experience: I have a good amount of experience when it comes to staffing on a server. Instead of applying for huge servers without any experience, I applied for smaller servers and got accepted. The smaller server's helped me with everything I mentioned above, Responsibility, Maturity, Activity, Truthfulness, and loyalty. Which in he long run helped me get to bigger servers. Throughout my life of being a staff member, I have done a very good job with these characteristics, and I am still learning and improving. I hope by becoming staff it will help increase my knowledge and experience of being a staff member.

Teamspeak: I always move players in Teamspeak, because I have experienced waiting forever in Teamspeak on any server, so I try my best to not have players wait a long time. I also handle toxicity pretty well. If a player is becoming toxic to me whilst doing a support room I do my best to calm them down and warn them. If they continue then I will follow the rules I will be given to either kick/ban them from TS.

Trustworthy and Loyal: I am someone you can count on and not have to worry about or be suspicious about. I am always straightforward and honest.

Screensharing: I have achieved great skill at screen sharing from when I learned on viper without tools like paladin and being able to screenshare is very helpful. I have been ss verified on a couple servers I have staffed on.

Commitment: I am very committed to what I do and always determined to do it efficiently and to the best of my abilities.

Being Biased: I am not biased whatsoever, and will never treat anyone differently or treat them special if they are my friend, etc. I will treat each and every player the same.

Adjusting/adapting: I can adjust to new ideas and new rules quickly. Once I get told the new rules or new information I adapt as quick as I can. ( which doesn't take long)

Caring: Last but not least, I truly care about being a staff member and doing the job efficiently and professionally. I am not here for the sole purpose of getting a screenshot that says helper for the "staff experience" I am here to do the best I can be to help Faithful.

To contact me:

Discord : Derek<3#2951

Telegram @MyNameisJeffReal


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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