Denied My totally original staff application.


New member
[IMG alt="phoaxy"][/IMG]



IGN (In Game Name):



United States

Do you own a quality microphone?:
Yes, I have a Blue yeti microphone.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Yes, My Discord is @Jørdan#3441 and my Telegram is @phoaxy

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
Yes, I do only 2 server's though. I will explain this in why do you want to become staff. - Senior Moderator - proof: -
- - Moderator - proof: I don't really have any. All I have is there staff guide. (I can show you if you want too) - Trial-Mod - proof:

Why do you want to become Staff?:
I want to become staff on SagePvP because I believe I feel big and active communities like SagePvP need active and dedicated staff members like myself to keep the well being of the server. I enjoy punishing rule-breakers and socializing with the staff team. I did not want to pursue being staff because I was in an HCF power faction. Then we all quit which meant I was now capable to become staff. I came back to the community to pursue staffing. I always desired to become staff on other servers. Thanks to DawnPvP for accepting me, DawnPvP gave me the experience and knowledge of what a successful staff member needs and taught me a lot about how to be a better person in general. I was a really good staff member on Dawn. I was respected and players liked me on Dawn, which gave me a perspective on how the community, in general, would like to see a staff member operate. Me having a perspective on how the community would like to see a staff member operate is essential because during my past staff experiences I have seen the whole staff team getting disrespected just because of one individual staff member. I believe the more the players like the staff team, the less toxic they will be to the staff team. So if I can help be a part of that then it would be phenomenal. I wanted to become staff on your server because I feel like I am qualifying enough, meaning that I will be able to complete any task that will be assigned to me. I want to master "staffing" even though I have learned a sublime amount about staffing when I was staff at DawnPvP I would like to continue my staff experience and meet new people. You can ask the whole dawn staff team about me and you'll hear some pretty good things. Also, I use to host local servers and loved to port forward and own my own servers, I got all my friends to play on it and I staffed. (cringe) But I use to love doing it and I hoped I could do it on a server with actual players one day. I tried my hardest and got accepted on Dawn. That's when I really fell in love and put many hours into the server. Overall, I'm just motivated to become staff and want to do it.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
You should accept me as staff because I can put many hours into the server. I will do my job, I will put 100% into my job at all times. I can help out in Teamspeak a lot, moving players, and giving them the help that they need. Also I'm pretty friendly and well rounded. I can handle situations with maturity and respect. Ranks don't get to my head either. I treat everyone with full respect and treat everybody equal. No abusing, no giving players stuff without proof, no punishing players longer if I like them or not. I love everyone that plays on a server that I am staff on, and I should treat them with respect. Also I have a lot of character traits that I will list below.
I am very mature and well rounded person. I can be funny and joke around sometimes when I'm with friends or fellow staff, but when it comes down to serious times I am very mature. I don't joke around and I get done when it needs to be. A lot of staff members don't know when to stop joking and be serious, but I can do that, I can handle situations very calmly and not break character. If someone is being toxic I block it out and still show them respect.

I always treat anyone with kindness. If you don't have any kindness you can't really get any where in life. (ITS IMPORTANT) I treat everyone I meet with Kindness, Loyalty and Courtesy. If players start getting toxic I don't break character and still show kindness to them. I show kindness to everyone on the server. Staff are hard to work with if they're mean and rude to players, me I am kind to all the players and they can explain/work with me better.

When I was on dawn, I put countless hours and days into the server. I was banning hackers and helping out every player I could. I was doing my job to the max and not slacking when I became staff. A lot of staff lose motivation, but I didn't. I was up until 6:00am helping the owner with a few bugs we had on the server. I understand what owners go through and understand that there server is huge for them and they don't want to see it go down. So I work hard for them to give them satisfactory.

I am a very respectful person. I treat everyone with respect, if someone gets mad I keep my calm and stay respectful which a lot of staff members can't do. Which makes me a easy to work with person, and you can get along with me pretty well. I will show your respect 100% of the time.

I can work with other staff good. I am respectful and easy to get a long with. I will always help another staff if they need it or just be there. If they need help with a ban or they have a question I will answer it. I can work with the staff team pretty well. I will also ask if they need help with anything if I'm free.


I have previous experiences being staff on a lot of servers, I no what cheats look like I am still learning how to SS(Screenshare) but I know a few things about it. I know how multiple commands work. Also I know to help players with there dtr/regen/deathban, if they have proof and I can clarify that they died/went raidable legit.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:
Yes on dawn the whole staff team and the community can. But not on here sadly.

Additional Information:
Nope, Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this, and have a nice day!

[IMG alt="AlgerinoGOD"][/IMG]


Active member​



[IMG alt="Elway"][/IMG]



Head Admin
Anticheat Admin
Staff Manager

Application pending.

Please message me on telegram for more information.

My telegram is @ImElway.

The final decision will be made in teamspeak.


Thank you for applying, but we won't be moving forward with your application. You may re apply in 2 weeks.