Denied Metavision Staff Application


↬ IGN (In-Game Name):Metavision
↬ Age:16
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):NA
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:Admin@ ElevateMC - Resigned Admin @ HolyPvP - Resigned (Im bad at spanish) Owner @ Hygon - Resigned Sr Mod @ Viper - moid quit hcf Admin @ Minecadia - Resigned Admin - Kaiya Resigned.
↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: The main reason I want to become staff at Elevate is mostly to help players and other staff. I’ve been playing here for quite some time now and I would really like to play on this server a lot more. Another reason I want to be staff is that I enjoy helping people because I find it shows a lot of respect, and sometimes some people ask for help in chat when no staff is on the server or busy. I believe I am reliable as a staff in terms of commands and would not abuse them in any way. I think I would fit in as a staff member because I enjoy helping players no matter what the circumstance is, I have always been someone who is involved with the community, and I enjoy helping others in general by making them enjoy their Minecraft experience and ensuring that all of their questions are answered on the forums and in-game to the best of my ability. Also to ensure that they know all of their commands/advantages certain players have with ranks. If there is something I am unsure about I will inform myself to make sure all the information I give out is accurate. Not only is it important that every player knows that we are here to keep the community safe and to ensure that all rules are followed (The few we have set up,) but it is also important that they know we can also be nice and fun to be around.
↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If accepted i would improve the players experience by helping with the cheaters situation. I will also talk with other staff members to build a bond with everyone. I would be opened minded about anything and always try my best to help each and everyone who needs my help. I will also help the players by listening to their suggestions and if it seems good in my eyes I'll refer it to higher staff members.
↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would rate it a 9, because I don’t believe anyone is 100% honest. They say honesty is the best policy, and I totally believe that and agree with that. It’s best to be honest with anyone because if you are caught lying the consequences will be far greater than telling the truth. Honesty will not only help you online, it’ll also help you in life. So truly, honesty is the best policy.
↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): During the week 5 hours and on the weekends it can range anywhere from 5 to 8 hours a day.
↬ What is your discord and telegram @?: Telegram: @OderaNwosu, Discord: @mmetavision
↬ Additional Information (optional): No, that's it. Please do consider me as a possible staff member.
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Well-known member
Hey, I was wondering if you could expand on your staffing experience and provide proof for some of the positions you have held?


Hey, I was wondering if you could expand on your staffing experience and provide proof for some of the positions you have held?
Hey, unfortunately I do not have any proof of me holding the ranks I listed. I no longer have the screenshots because I factor reset my computer and lost then all. But I can expand on what I when I had those ranks. When I was staff on the servers I said, I basically helped players with any questions and concerns they may have. I helped newer staff members progress by giving them tips towards being a better staff member. I also helped with the community, if someone would report a bug or player, I'd try my best to make things right. I was basically the average staff member. I banned cheaters, muted players who were saying things in chat that are not tolerated in chat on the servers, I tried my best to help anyone who asked a question, overall just a nice and helpful staff member. If you have anymore questions I'll gladly answer them to the best of my abilities!
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Well-known member
Unfortunately, we will not be moving on with your staff application at this time due to lying about experience in your application.

Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks.