Denied Marky staff app

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Active member

IGN (In-Game Name): Swagboy45


Region (EU/NA/Other):NA

TimeZone: Eastern (EST)

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Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Infamouspvp -Mod [Around 70 people on sotw]

As well with all of the rest of the servers I was staff on I do not have any proof because it was a long time ago and I have not been staff in around 2 years. I was a mod and for the short time I was there which was a week I got 20 mutes and 30 bans.

AthenaHQ- SrMod/Owner SOTW: 100+]

Like most people I started as a Helper but I quickly gained SrMod. Then when the opportunity came to take ownership of the server I did so I ran the server for a month or so before I had to shut it down because of lack of funds. I was generally the only staff member on because all the staff would never play. This server is we’re I learned most of my staffing skills yet again I have no proof of this because it was on a pc I no longer own.

HCfallacy- Mod ]10-40]

This server got a good amount of players on constantly I believe it was 3 years ago now. I joined the staff team because I was watching a youtuber with owner on the server DismadicalYT. The server wasn’t up for too long but I managed to get Mod rank before it shut down I don’t remember who the owners were so I can’t ask them for proof.

Elevate - Trial mod - I was trial mod at elevate for around a month before I quit the game and didn’t play for a year I was very active and the server did very well as everyone knows it is the home of hct ranked

Why would you like to become a staff member?

I am an experienced and professional staff member, I am on sagepvp most of the time I’m on. I know what I am doing and how to do so. Since I have been staffing for quite a while I've grown to know how to act around others and what to say to people in order for them to not get upset when dealing with someone. Other than that I've been able to learn to type quicker which has increased my capacity to help people in certain situations. I am able to explain things in chat, multitask, and much more because of my typing. What goes along with typing is I have go grammar which ensures that the server maintains a professional look as it grows. When I have a belief in a server like I do for SagePvP I always work my hardest to make sure I can do anything in my power to see success, I'd want to be a staff member so that I can do more to help the community not only help myself but help others who might feel neglected by others. I believe that sagepvp will revive hcf and I wish to be apart of that journey.

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If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:


» Properly working with other members of the staff team is very important when it comes to things like running a server and keeping people happy. My abilities to work with other people well could make or break things going through, everyone wants a good smooth running staff team and I believe that I could help to keep the staff team going in a good path rather than somewhere it shouldn't be. Because I have owned my own server in the past and I know how to handle a staff team.


» Multitasking is very important when It comes to helping players or do things like mass moves. Multitasking allows me to get more done and help more people so that the everyone is being kept happy and the server can stay running without cheaters or abusers.


» Activity is obviously an important part of being a staff member on a server. I am active on all platforms (forums, telegram, skype, ingame, etc.) This puts me ahead of other applicants who might not be as active because it lets me help more people and get more things done so that the server can run smoothly. I play almost every day and when I don’t play I will let the higher up staff know I won’t be online or if I’m going on vacation.


» Lots of staff members might be bias towards or their friends or people they know. I never show favoritism, this is important because showing favoritism is very unprofessional and gives the server a bad rep. Keeping everyone equal lets players remain happier.
And it also makes people want to come back and continue to play the server.


» I always try to work as hard as I can with any project I encounter. I am active and able to dedicate large portions of my time to properly help the server. My want and need to see the server thrive probably outdoes other applicants because I have been playing hcf for almost 6 years now and I do not want to see it die any time soon which is why I will devote mass amounts of time on working on bettering the Server any way that I think possible. With this, I am able to get things done and help people properly.


» When I join a server as a staff member I always try to stay with them for as long as I can so that if I leave or am kicked they can vouch me as being a good and loyal staff member. Being loyal to server lets people gain trust and makes things just run more smooth overall. From what I've seen people these days people server hop quite often, my goal is to not do that but to grow into a community and become comfortable with it. Sage is considered the best hcf server right now and I wish to stay at it if I am giving the rank as staff.

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If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

Staff members should never lie, I am a pretty honest person and I would say it’s a 9 or 10. When it comes down to it. I know when I should tell everything and make things work. Being as honest as I am I would be a good staff member because you would get to trust me and know that you don't have to worry about me telling you a lie or unbanning people when I am not supposed to I have never lied to someone as a staff member and I do not generally enjoy lieing In my irl life.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?



Sunday: 10-13 hours

Money: 3-5 hours

Tuesday: 3-5

Wednesday: 4-8

Thursday: 4-8

Friday: 10-16

Saturday: 12-17

If I am going to be gone for a period of time I will let a higher up staff member know.

Contact info

Tele: I don’t have a @

Disc: @donthmuu

Additional Information?

Please accept I wish to be apart of the sagepvp staff team. Have a good day!



Staff Manager
Unfortunately, we will not be moving on with your staff application at this time.

Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks.
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