Denied Lmkwhenugetgood staff application


New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): lmkwhenugetgood

↬ Age: 17

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I was staff on SecondLife and RxS.

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:

The main reason I want to become staff at SagePvP is mostly to help players and other staff. I’ve been playing here for quite some time now and I would really like to play on this server a lot more. Another reason I want to be staff is that I enjoy helping people because I find it shows a lot of respect, and sometimes some people ask for help in chat when no staff is on the server or busy. I believe I am reliable as a staff in terms of commands and would not abuse them in any way.

I would help every player to have a wonderful network experience. One of my many passions is to try to improve this community. Everyone in the community should be treated equally, not paying attention to a Youtuber or a "famous player". If I know I can be a better staff member than others, it already gives me the motivation to apply and so help the server. One good reason why I want to become staff at SagePvP is that I have not seen, I wouldn't say really good, but the certainly decent community like at SagePvP. I believe I have some reliable amount of skills that can positively influence and positively help the staff team. I will use all my reasonable knowledge I have gained from past experience as a staff member and use them at SagePvP. As a part of the staff team, I want to try out my best and do it for SagePvP. I feel like I have a lot of good things to offer, and I want to spend my spare time on Sage to become a better community for all of us. I want to be able to implement all the rules of the server that are possible. I want to be sure that all of your time goes to a good and reliable network. I want to be able to implement as many rules as possible.


I believe for my age that I am a mature person in most and/or in all situations as part of the staff of all members must be mature and behave according to their rank. I also do not acknowledge any “childish” behavior.


I think I have a good personality because I like to meet people and learn about them, I believe my personality mostly consists of seriousness and fun. That means I’m serious while doing my job, I can also have fun talking to other players while it’s time to do so, and I can also get to know other team members. Keep these personal indicators that I am a positive person and that I am positive, which is a good thing while part of the staff, because if you are “poisonous” and don’t respect other games, probably other players won’t respect you as staff either.


I believe my level of loyalty is high because if I commit to something, I will stick to it for as long as I can until I finish it. I may have only had about 12 months of experience as a staff member, but that doesn’t mean I’m not ready to learn new things and be “loyal” to one server and bother about one thing and/or more things on one server.


Communication is also a very important part of all this, I think it is very important that all members of the staff team are connected via Telegram chat, Discord server, or say TeamSpeak server and that we can all easily contact each other.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I believe that I can help the server the most with my knowledge about screen sharing and some other things, for example, when a member of the staff team behaves strangely / inappropriately for their position I can and I need to react really quick and sharply. I can help each player equally, of course, it all depends on the position I would reach on the server. I've been in this for about 12 months now, all about the screen share and helping other players on the servers, both bigger and smaller, so I don't think that would be a problem for me. I also have no problem sharing knowledge about my experience and some minor tricks. I am very active now when I no longer have health problems and I also think it would be useful for both the players and the server to almost always, at least six hours a day to have an available staff member on the CEST timezone.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

This is linked with honesty, trust is a big part when staffing because the Staff Manager has to trust you to not make silly mistakes and be immature when staffing, not only that he is giving you permissions which members don't have access to. For me, I will say I'm strong nine, on a scale from one to ten, because you can never know what other people can do to you or the server and we (players) must be thankful to the staff manager and owners because it's not a small thing to give completely foreign person permissions to can do such big things on their server.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Not currently

↬ Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (if you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.)

Yes I can meet the weeky requirement of a minimum of 12 hours of playtime per map.

↬ What is your telegram @?: @SwingK

↬ What is your discord @?:
Ur owner#9228


Veteran Member
I have reviewed your application. Unfortunately, it has been denied.
You may re-apply in 2 weeks.