Denied Kupr's Staff Application (AUS)

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IGN (In-Game Name): My Ign is Kupr

Age: I am 17 years old

Region (EU/NA/Other): AUS

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I do have some staffing experience, I don't have allot of staff experience due to basically all of them being denied due to lack of detail which i completely understand. Anyway about a year ago i was given the opportunity to become a Helper on MCPrisons. I was on there for about just over a month due to being force resigned due to not being on as what i said. My reasoning was due to me being in year 10 at school and doing allot of extra curricular things so didnt have enough time like i was saying to be on and support the staff team. If you wish to get proof you can contact Creetures on the MCprisons discord for his proof of me being staff on the server i dont have any picture proof but i can get his work/

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
Honestly i would like to be a staff member because i love helping people, personally my favourite thing about myself would be helping people when they have any issues. My future job is serving in the Australian Army to protect and serve my country. Like i said i love helping people in any way shape of form. I also want to become staff because i love making new friends if it is in real life or in game i dont care i just love making new friends. I also want to be involved in a community that i know i can help in any way shape of form, i want the responsibility as a role model. I am currently a leader at my school, i am in year 12 and have been a leader for about a year now. Honestly it was the best thing that has happened to me at school because it allows me to grow my role modelling and leadership skills which if i do become staff i can bring onto here and be there for anyone who needs any assistance and just hopefully make the server a safe, fun and enjoyable community.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
When is comes to improving the players experience i think would help in terms of communication wise, i would be on as much as i can (Below i will give a rough time area in hours on how long i can be on for) whenever i can, i would get onto the server if i am at home even if it is my night to relax and do school work i would get on and support the staff team wherever i can and help the server too if there are people that need help either in the server or in the discord. i love communicating with people, if they have any issues, if they found an issue or if they need a question answered i would try my hardest to bring them the best experience and give them the answer if i can as quick as i can but if not contact another staff member and relay the answer to them.

Times (Estimated)
Monday - 17:30 - 23:00
Tuesday - 17:30 - 23:00
Wednesday - 17:30 - 23:00
Thursday - 17:30 - 23:00
Friday - 17:30 - 23:00
Saturday - 08:00 - 24:00
Sunday - 00:00 - 23:00

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
If i were to rate my honesty on a scale i would most likely put it at a 8.5, the reason why it is an 8.5 and not a 10 is because some times if for example my friend is going to get in trouble for something they didnt do and none of us didnt do something then i would be dishonest and tell them that i did it so that they didnt get in trouble. But other then that i think i would be a 10 because i like to be honest about stuff that i enjoy, so if i were to get accepted as staff i would be the most honest and kind hearted person that i can be.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
No, i have not spoken to any staff members and dont know any that can vouch for me sadly.

Additional Information?:

I know that my application is not the best application out there, i know it isnt really detailed, im not really good at writing applications, i dont have allot of staffing experience but i honestly hope that you guys do give me honest feedback and tell me what i could improve on.

I would also like to also say thank you to whoever reads my application for taking the time out of their day to read this application. If you decide to accept me thank you so much but if not i completely understand and thank you for your time.

Kind Regards
Kupr :)
Much Love <3


Neutral, I'd recommend you take another look over your application, fix up some minor things that could be improved, clean up or change your current format, and if accepted you stay accountable to those hours.

Deleted member 5408

Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.
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