Denied Kiters staff application


New member
Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): bananagamer24
Age: 17
Region (EU/NA/Other): EU

Do you have any previous staff experience?: 2014-2016 veltpvp so yes
Why would you like to become a staff member?: because i liked staffing in 2014-2016 and i wanna become a staff again on this great server. i have friend in your staff team and id like to staff with him and make more friends from the staff team. in my opinion staffing in great way to spend time and i like to help people out. i will be active about 5 hours a day becuase i have no life. i will be sitting in support rooms all the day and help out alot of people.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: im a great person and i love to help people, i promise they will have great experience with me and they will enjoy all the time they spend with me. in 2014-2016 i was the most liked staff for like 4 months.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? id say 8-9 i dont lie alot but i didnt understand the question either like u mean honesty on the application or like in general, also im 17 years old which means im not retarded and i dont speak chlid language. and top it off alot of people have good time with me. i will spend alot of time in sagepvp staffing and doing everything i can. if i cant help people with a problem they need help with i will move them to higher staff.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) RAGOTREREON we have known for a year he can vouch me definetly.

Additional Information?: Gonna improve staff team (i hope to ) My telegram is @thegoodestkiter and discord is : yanq maiq#7462. Id hope to get into the staff team and get an interview and i can translate finnish to english and i speak good english.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.