Denied Kasteel's Staff Application (EST)

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Kasteel's Staff Application

IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Proof of smackings being Admin (Person I talked to):

CavePvP Trial-Mod
With the Developer:
In hub (showing rank):

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have enjoyed playing on SagePvP for a long time and I would like to help manage the server and look behind the scenes. I feel like the other servers are less personal and I dislike that. I saw people asking for staff to look at something or players having a question and they did not always have the opportunity to get an answer. I can be online a lot and I like to answer and help people so I think I can be a very good fit. I always try to answer all questions I get as persistent and correctly as possible. I enjoy seeing people happy and be grateful for helping them. I always try making them feel happy, trusted or helped even if I cannot always help them with their issue. I like to make sure players get all the help they need so they can play the game without any issues.

Sometimes players do not report a rule breaker because they might think it will be ignored by staff-members or overlooked. I want to make sure players do not do this and report the rule breaker, because they hate the rule breaker’s behavior as much as I do.

I dislike rule breakers, I think they ruin the experience of the players more than they could imagine. I want to make sure the players' experience does not become negative, because of a rule breaker. I always make sure I do not say and/or do stupid things when I have an exemplary function.

I like to help people as much as possible. I have some experience, I have been a staff member on FiercePvP and on CavePvP where I learnt a lot, but I want to expand my experience. I am very mature. I like to improve myself as much as possible, doing so giving the players and myself a good time on the server.

I am very active, not only on Minecraft, but also on Discord. I like to reply and help people wherever they need the help. Apart from that I play a lot of games, Minecraft in general. I also play different games, but not as much as Minecraft and if I do play different games, I am always contactable.

My Personality Traits

I know how hard it can be to trust a random stranger on the internet, but I know what I can say and where. I do not do stupid things especially when I represent a professional organization. I find the players’ experience the priority, because they are the ones the server is up and running for in the first place. I always think twice before I punish someone, so I do not punish wrongly. I know how frustrating this could be and so I make sure I punish right and avoid any wrong punishments in any way. I can be online for a lot of the day and when I cannot I make sure it is known by head staff members. I always want to make sure the players have a fun experience playing the server, so they want to come back to the server. I dislike when a staff-member makes the experience for the player(s) worse. I do not abuse for anyone nor will I ever. I am not a toxic person and especially not when I have a staff position. I think abusing is worse than breaking a rule as a player, mainly because you are representing an organization. And you are making it look bad by breaking a rule as a staff-member.

I am 16 years old and I always like to improve myself. When I make a mistake, I make sure I do not do this again. I am a quick learner and I like to learn new things. I am always open for a conversation disregarding the subject or person. I want to make sure the players are welcome for more than questions. I like to make sure the players know I am trustworthy and that I look at every problem fairly. I learn from every little experience I get. I used to be very competitive.

I like getting good and/or bad critics, because that is how you improve yourself. I have improved myself from my old self and I want to share this feeling, because it feels so much better to improve yourself and see results. I feel like after you realize how important it is to improve yourself you are a way better person in general and way more fun to be around.

I always think your responsibility is one of, maybe even the most, important things to master. Because the players should feel trusted and know they come with questions or reports and get a correct answer. I do not go around saying things I know are false or incorrect. If I make a mistake, I like to admit it and improve myself and make sure I do not make this mistake again. When I am not sure about a solution to the problem I stick around and if I can fix the issue, I want to. If not, I make sure the issue is known with higher staff-members and tell the player(s) higher staff is looking at the issue. I do not kick or leave people with more questions, because if that happens it can be very annoying. So, I make sure the players are getting help from higher staff or do not have any leftover questions. I like to joke around, but I know when I can do so.

I like to work as persistently as possible; I do not like to punish one player for a questionable offense and not punish a different player for the same offense the day after. I like to have the players know they can build a trustworthy environment around me. I like to be nice to everyone even if they are not always nice to me. I am not going to reduce someone’s’ ban because I like them and not reduce someone else's ban because I do not like them. Everyone should have the same punishment length (I obviously look at recent/old punishments if they are relevant).

I like to set goals for myself and I would continue to reach those goals day and night if I have to. I want to finish what I started and make sure I do it 100% correctly. If I am not happy about my result, I make sure I continue until I am. I like to work deadlines, if I have to, I will work over hours to reach my goals and/or deadlines.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I like to put effort into anything that I like doing. I am a perfectionist, if something is not right, I want to make it right. If something is not done or not done correctly, I like to make sure it is done correctly. I put a lot of hours and attention into something I am dealing with at that moment. I like to code as a hobby, I get a lot of erros, issues and other problems. Rather than leaving it, I will stay hours to fix the issue and make it 110% correct.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

My rating:
Why: You should always be honest about your mistakes. It does not help the other person nor you if you lie about something. Although aside from that - you can still be honest, but not bring the truth as direct. Say for example; if you hurt someone you should rethink how to tell them. If you lie about who you are or a mistake you made, it will always come back to you and the consequences will be worse. So best way is to be honest first thing, we are all humans, we all learn by our mistakes.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
Thanks for taking the time to read my application.​


Active member
A good part is completely plagiarized ._.

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