Denied JWiggins28 Staff Application

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New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name)? JWiggins28
How old are you? 17
Are you fluent in English? Yes
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)? EU
What is your Discord & Telegram? Discord: Discord: jwigz Telegram: JaredW28
Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)? No but I am confident I would be good at it
Why do you want to be a staff member? because I love playing HCF and I want to give a fair experience for everyone. Also it would be so much fun as its something I care about.
What makes you better than other applicants? I am mature and spend way too much time on my PC I am also experienced at Minecraft
How active can you be per day? I basically am active all day everyday especially through the upcoming summer I would say 7-8 weekday and 10-11 hours weekend.
Can any current staff members vouch for you? No but I am sure we would all get along
Are you willing to learn to screenshare? Of course I am a fast learner and good with computers
Anything else you would like us to know? Please Consider thank you
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