Denied JuulMeBro's Staff Application

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New member




Do you own a quality microphone
Yes I use a SteelSeries headset with a really good mic. I also have a snowball if I ever have trouble with the headset.

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?
Yes I have telegram on PC and on my phone so I can get alerts or important messages at any time of the day if I am not on my PC. I also have Teamspeak on my PC and currently very active on the Teamspeak.

Do you have any previous staff experiences?
Yes I have a lot of experiences being staff on HCF servers in general.
Starting with ArsonPvP, (which is now currently closed) I was friends with the owner of ArsonPvP "HyKurtis" for quite some time. there where currently 2 owners of the server, one being HyKurtis and the other being Wubs. On down the road of ArsonPvP's first launch, Wubs decided to quit and take on his own projects, sadly. HyKurtis then ask me to take his place, leaving me as co-owner of ArsonPvP, then eventually being a full owner of ArsonPvP after two months of helping Kurtis with the server. I owned it for well over 3 months after being promoted and then sadly the server shut down.

Next we have Hyversal, an HCF network that was kinda succesful but still failed due to poor management. I played Hyversal for 3-4 months before I ever thought about applying for staff. I enjoyed the server and donated a lot, the community on the server its self was actually not toxic and a lot of the players where fairly nice. I then decided I wanted to apply for staff, surprisingly I got accepted and worked my way up to Platform-Admin with in a few months of hard work and dedication. After a few months of my last promotion the server shut-down due to lost funds and broke owners.

My last and latest server to be staff on was my own server, ArsenicPvP.
Yes I have owned many servers before and a lot of them failed terribly, but my recent server ArsenicPvP taught me a lot about myself and owning a server. ArsenicPvP was an HCF network based on old HCF ways. It wasn't pay to win or non of that crap we see these days, and that's why I think it was so successful in the HCF community. We had the server if development for quite some time before the release actually came, but upon release it was a big success with a maximum of 450 players on SOTW. The server was doing great the first 3-4 weeks after release, but sadly I had some bad personal issues come up in life and I had to sell the server and the new owner decided to shut it down and has not opened ever since.

Why do you want to become staff?
I believe that I should become a Helper because I have what it takes to make a good staff member. I have educated myself on the rules that apply to the server, forums and Discord, and the punishments that are associated with breaching them. I’m an alert person and quick to notice if something is wrong or unusual. I am tolerant to a degree, but when things start to get out of hand I will actively start dealing with problems to find solutions.

I am forthright, in that I express my honest opinion on subjects and ideas. I am trusting, and I put my faith in others to do what is right or necessary. However, I know from experience that not everyone can be trusted, and not everyone can take an opinion. That’s just something I must accept.

I am a responsible, selfless young man who is considerate and respectful to those around me while I’m involved in anything. I prioritise others, and making sure that they are enjoying their time is what I like to do best. I like to know what’s going on around me and what I can do to make things better and, ultimately, more enjoyable for everyone.

I have the confidence and communication skills to take part in this position and am aware of the various responsibilities that comes with being a helper. Although I may come out as a bit strong that is because I stand up for what I believe is right and not what is wrong. I have integrity and honesty, grant that I may make mistakes along the way, I am human after all. If there is a problem with a certain player I will make sure to see it from there point of view instead of giving my opinion straight away on how I think this person should handle their issue.

If I am not online in-game, then I would most likely be on the forums. I am on the forums for most of the day, I check it once every thirty minutes, I think that is good because I can reply to those that need help ASAP.

Helping a member of the community with a problem is one of my favorite things to do. Whenever an individual needs assistance or help, I am willing to help in all ways necessary to ensure that I can quickly respond to that problem or issue.

I believe that balance is key. What I mean by balance is that I can have fun on a server that I can play and I can also punish a player when the time is needed. I feel as though everyone needs this type of balance and having this skill is crucial when being a staff member. Why I think this is crucial is because of the reason why many staff members resign. They just get bored with the fact that all they do is punish players instead of actually playing the game. But with me having this skill, I will ensure you that I will stay fully committed to this server.

Why should we accept you as staff?
I believe I may not be the best choice of those you`ve received applications from, but I would say I am a better choice due to my personality. I am calm, collected, intelligent, and it`s usually difficult to annoy or anger me unless you hit a personal nerve. For these reasons I would be better than most applicants. I am also more mature than most you likely receive, as over reviewing others` staff applications, I have noticed most are 14 or younger. Additionally, I believe that everyone should get what they deserve when it comes down to punishments or other matters. As for another reason, I am on almost constantly and would be able to keep most trouble down with high efficiency. I also have skill in de-escalating situations. As for other reasoning, I am well-liked by most of the community as far as I`m aware, as no major incidents have happened in which people have come out disliking me personally.

Bear in mind:
I would not be surprised nor offended were I to get rejected, however, if this does get rejected, please leave advice for future reference.​

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you
Not as of right now.

Additional Information:
Another quality I would like to share with you is the positivity I hold inside me. I always hate seeing people being negative. The way to approach life is to think of it in a positive way. You must be positive, have the right mind set and so think positive to make positive happen. Negativity will only bring negative outcomes to your life. I have also always told people to aim high, believe in yourself to reach the goals in which you have set and you will get there. On top of this never give up!


Active member

- Seems mature
- Somewhat good detail
- Although, application looks a bit rushed and effortless (unappealing; any color?)

Kind Regards,
LahMoney (Jack)


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Juul, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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