Denied Juiici (EU)

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):

EU (GMT+1), I'm from the Netherlands also fluent in English, and can speak a tiny bit of German!

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

- PolarPvP {Mod +}

- Experience: 7 months
- I could not find any proof since this was over a year ago.

- ExideHCF {Mod}
- Experience: 4 months

- TellusPvP {Mod}

- Experience: 2 months -

- SyncPvP {Trial-Mod}
- Experience: 1 month

- AkumaMC {Helper}
- Experience: 2 weeks
- PROOF (note: at the time this ss was taken it was the start of season 8 when it was only opened for staff, on release day it hit 900+ players.)

- HCRival {Helper}
- Experience: 2 weeks
- PROOF (forgot to take proof of being staff ingame.)

- QuartzHCF {Mod}
- Experience: 3 weeks

- Heartless {Trial-Mod}
- Experience: 1 month

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to staff on Sage because I have just gotten back into Sage but I want to be a staff, not a player. I think staffing is very fun and is kind of like a job. I love helping people with any type of issues they are having. I would love to help out with the community of Sage. I have been part of this player base for a very long time. But now I want to help even more by becoming staff. I think it's very fun to staff and it's very exciting. It's always good to face challenges and staffing always presents you with challenges. It's also a good way to pass my time during these weird times. I think staffing on Sage will be both fun and relaxing but also hard. Staffing is always hard and I'm up for the task. I recently got back into HCF after taking a break and I feel like I could enjoy the game and help the community more if I was staff. I don't have much to do these days so I will gladly help other players when needed. I'm working on trying to get the HCF community back and if me being staff and helping players would bring back older players I would love to do that. I love to play HCF with my friends and just vibe. I think staffing will open me up to more opportunities and let me experience and make new friends. I will also be challenged in many different ways and have to problem solve. I will definitely learn and grow from the experience of staffing and helping people. I know how frustrating it can be when you go to TeamSpeak to ask for help and you get met with staff members with attitudes that make your situation worse. I love helping new players get into the game. I find that really enjoyable. I think this will also help me personally because I'm in a drought of things I can do because of covid. So staffing can be my outlet to forget about what's going on in the world and just maybe brighten up someone's day.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I am a very active player and know what I'm doing. I know all situations and am confident in how to handle each and every one of them. I am very good at managing and organizing my plans. This means that I am coordinated with my schedule. If I have to be somewhere on time, I will be there. I also am in TeamSpeak if needed all the time. I will make the TeamSpeak waiting times lower and be as active as I possibly can. I have online school, resulting in me being online 24/7. I am always calm when speaking to players and will calm them down if they are stressed out about something. I keep myself collected in situations that are hard to handle. If players are in TeamSpeak, I am always honest and nice to them to keep them on the server. I see staff members being toxic to their players which results in the player base count going down. I am always nice to the players and other staff to make the environment feel safe for everyone.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I used to be not that great at staffing and I have improved the last year or so. My honesty has gotten a lot better since I now know the key aspect behind it. Honesty means a lot to me. When I make mistakes, I own up to them. I can tell when people are lying quite easily.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:

I'd like to elaborate on my past name history. THIS is my NameMC link, I haven't changed my name in over a year now and you can probably see that my last IGN was very inappropriate. This does not represent me in any way and I have apologized to people that I have hurt them with this ign. Hopefully, you understand that the HCF community is very toxic and that this is something out of the ordinary. I wanted to fit in with the other people in my faction and made a dumb decision. I really don't want to get judged and if I do, I understand. Furthermore, here are my socials:
- Telegram: @JuicyOnTour
- Discord: Joost#7267



Established member

[+] Good Detail
[+] Good past experiences

[-] Past IGN...

While I do believe that people can change, but the fact your ign was the hard er for an entire month shows a lot about you and your character.

The only reason I'm not -1'ing is because I believe people can change.

Good Luck!


New member

[+] Good Detail
[+] Good past experiences

[-] Past IGN...

While I do believe that people can change, but the fact your ign was the hard er for an entire month shows a lot about you and your character.

The only reason I'm not -1'ing is because I believe people can change.

Good Luck!
Thanks for giving me a chance man.


Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.
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