Denied IgnMyth Staff Application

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New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): IgnMyth
↬ Age: I Am 15 years old.
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): I am From Europe (United Kingdom)
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Demoted or Resigned: Resigned
Reason: Decision was made for server to close

Trial Mod
Demoted or Resigned: Demoted
Reason: Inactivity, Wasn't allowed on pc for a month

Trial Mod
Demoted or Resigned: Resigned
Reason: Stopped playing

Trial Mod
Demoted or Resigned: Resigned
Reason: Server closed shortly after i had joined

Demoted or Resigned: Resigned
Reason: Members in community were reporting me due to reasons which had effected nothing. Decided to stop staffing.

Trial Mod
Demoted or Resigned: Demoted
Reason: Stopped playing.

Demoted or Resigned: Resigned
Reason: No progression in server.

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member at SagePvP as I feel that I have sufficient experience and would like to help players of the community, I have previously staffed at servers where I have thought after a bit that I would not want to staff there for long, after playing sage for a while I know that I would like to staff here for a longer period of time, I will make sure to follow all guidelines and rules set by the server and higher members of staff, I have good communication skills and work well in a team environment, I am able to work well with others that I may have not previously got along with or have not talked to much previously.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I would improve a players experience by making sure that I am checking teamspeak whenever I am online, I will make sure to check frequently in order for players to get the help they need as fast as possible, I will work with other members of staff to ensure that the player is helped to the best of our ability.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 7, I am usually honest, sometimes in the past I have said things that may not have been true.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

↬ Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.)
I Will be able to meet the weekly minimum requirement of 12 hours, i can play up to around 5 hours on any week day and anywhere up to 12 hours on the weekend, depending on whether I am doing anything.

↬ What is your telegram @?:

↬ What is your discord @?:

↬ Additional Information (optional)?: None


Veteran Member
Thank you for taking the time to make an application, unfortunately your application has been denied at this time due to Lack of Detail. Please feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks time, Thank you.
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