Denied idk how 2 delete application so ye


IGN (In-Game Name): Zexq

Age: 15, Turning 16 in June.

Timezone: AEDT

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):

I have had a lot of past staffing experience
This includes, The Limit Network, Zenix Practice and VerilHQ.
I have staffed on many other networks but they are no longer relevant.

Limit Network: Manager
I first applied for staff on the Limit Network at around the middle of february, a few days later, I had received a message on discord by one of the recruiters that I had
been accepted as staff on the Limit Network, I was ecstatic once I had received this message.

First few months of being in the Trial Phase of the staff team, I had been promoted to Mod.
The Limit Network Staff Management wasn't very good at the time so promotions and staff meetings were very slow.
Things started to pick up after the owner had promoted a new manager, along side our current one. His name was EXR0.
EXR0 did a lot of stuff for the network. He promoted new staff, youtubers etc.
He also fixed up some permissions that needed to be fixed at that time.

After a little while, EXR0 went rogue. He decided to break the server policy and release a lot of server files/staff files.
He was later demoted and blacklisted for his actions and hasn't been un-blacklisted ever since.

Fast foward about 11 months and I had been promoted to Manager, I felt very accomplished for my work and was excited to change a few things.
First thing was to change the prefixes because they weren't the best looking, I changed them to a more 'appropriate' and professional look.
I also promoted a few new staff, first lot were a bit of a mistake after being told what sort of stuff they had done in the past and what not.
I had picked up my game after that and I had started looking for a lot more detailed and grammarly correct applications.
The staff I had chosen are still staff to this day, some of them have resigned and some have been demoted.
In my opinion, I had done a pretty good job as a Manager on the Limit Network.

The Limit Network has since shutdown due to the owner losing interest in minecraft and focusing on things happening in real life.

Zenix Practice: Admin
Zenix didn't stay up for very long at all, this is due to the fact that he didn't want to pay the partners for their uploads/streams.
Because of this, the server started to die out and the owner (Blake) decided to shut it down.

During the time it was up, I had done a decent amount of work, mainly watching for cheaters and helping players out with their media applications/buycraft issues.
Zenix had reached a max of around 120 players during the time it was up, this was because of Ziblacking streaming on the server.
We also had a few other youtubers/partners stream on Zenix, this includes Idiol, Zeynah and swampie.

Zenix really was a decent server at the time, I personally loved it and a lot of other people loved it too.
I really wish it had of stayed up for a bit longer, but things don't always go your way.

VerilHQ: Moderator
VerilHQ was a decent sized Australian HCF/Practice server. VerilHQ already had a decent reputation as the owners had purchased the network and did not create it.
VerilHQ had some popularity at the time as a few youtubers (Umz2k9, yungsaphars) had uploaded on the network before it had been purchased by the new owners.
We also had a few decently known developers working for us. Their names are, AirMarshal and TewPingz.
Their work was incredible and you may know them too. They are good friends with Manthe.
VerilHQ had reached about 80 players on SOTW which isn't bad for an Australian server at that time.
Server wasn't up for very long after a player found a backend in the hub and ETB'd the server.
The owner (Safector) was not happy with him and without thinking, he threatened to SWAT and ddos him, this not only ruined my reputation for a little bit but also
destroyed VerilHQ's reputation.

During the time it was up though, I did a little bit of work.
I mainly just watched over the server for potential cheaters/insiders, I also watched over chat to make sure no one was breaking the chat rules that we had set in place.
I also really loved VerilHQ and miss the memories I had back then.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

To help keep the SagePvP Network clean of cheaters and chat toxicity.

I know that my role won't completely get rid of toxicity and cheaters, you can't avoid them.
What I know though is that I can help prevent it, I definitely won't be able to stop all, but I can help stop most.

By becoming a staff member on the SagePvP Network, Will not only be amazing for me but a benefit for you (as stated above and below).

I am amazing with server moderation and discord moderation, this is due to the fact that I have been staffing on servers for over 2 1/2 years.

I also have a lot of experience in Moderation, Administration and Management.
This experience can also apply to the SagePvP Network.
My experience as a moderator on the past networks I have staffed on is a very similar job done by the moderators on the SagePvP Network.
I have seen their work in chat and how snappy they are to mute/ban someone.
These sort of expectations have been applied to the staff on the Limit Network for some time now and I have learned just how important that is.
That is just one of many reasons why I should be accepted as a staff member on the SagePvP Network.

Another reason is because i'm Australian
No, not just because i'm Australian, because I have noticed that you do not have many Australian staff members.
Because of this, players can hop on the server and cheat late at night while all the other NA/EU staff are offline.
Our timezone is very different from NA/EU so becoming staff on the SagePvP Network will help prevent cheaters that log on late at night to cheat and avoid staff.

I also have a fairly large amount of time, I can be online for up to 3-4 hours at a time, these times can vary due to events happening in real life and what not.
Also as stated up top, I love staffing and love the SagePvP Network.
SagePvP has one of the best HCF/Kitmap setups I have ever seen and is a reason I want to be staff here.
SagePvP is just a quality server overall and would be amazing if I became staff here.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

By giving them little tips every now and then, having a little fun with them and helping them with their needs/requests.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Not that I know of.

Additional Infomation?:

I have a decent sounding microphone which I find necessary for communicating so the player/staff member you are talking with can understand you clearly.

Thanks for taking your time to read my application, whether it has been approved or denied.

Also I have my application on a notepad, hence why there are different fonts. I'm not sure how to prevent it.

Edit: Here is some evidence of my past staffing experience
0:27 This video was in 480p so sorry for the bad quality. This was before I got promoted and was in beta.
Limit Network:
Zenix Practice: This screenshot does not show what rank I had, but it does show the anti-cheat logs I had access to with my rank. This screenshot also includes the player count of 105 and some anti-cheat logs from ZIBLACKINGGG.
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Veteran Member
Lacking details in sections:
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:



- A lot of grammatical mistakes
Thanks for the feedback.
I have noticed that someone else had found a lot of grammatical mistakes.
I’m having trouble finding these mistakes (probs cause I’m dumb)
Could you possible copy the sections where I made these mistakes so I can improve in the future? Thanks.


Well-known member
Thanks for the feedback.
I have noticed that someone else had found a lot of grammatical mistakes.
I’m having trouble finding these mistakes (probs cause I’m dumb)
Could you possible copy the sections where I made these mistakes so I can improve in the future? Thanks.
Ofcourse, send me a message on telegram ( @ KinomuYT )


Well-known member
It's alright, I have found the grammar mistakes I have made using grammarly.
Thanks anyway :).
Not “ I have made using grammarly”

“ I already used grammarly”

those simple mistakes could make you look unprofessional.

your welcome,

goodluck Kinomu