Denied [Helper] Staff Application

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Well-known member


Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes,i do
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Discord: Alin27#2185 and TS Alin27

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
1>> On 27 January 2018 I joined a community called Oxygen Network and back then I applied for the staff position when because that server had desperate need of help, so I thought I should apply. Next day, the response came to my email and said that I was Accepted and the owner said he wants to interview me to be sure I wrote that application after I did my interview he was glad to announce me that I was officially a 100% moderator with all the things good. Right, the next day he was making a live stream and he brought 100 players and when I saw that I was like "WOW" this man is really good at what he is doing so I tried my best that day to keep everything ok and safe, without any hurtful words or stuff like that. My career was a good one with no warning but in a day on June 2018, the server closed due to the lacking activity of the owner plus the money we were in need to pay the respective host. After that, I was pretty sad because I was a good mod and doing my job good and from nowhere like THAT, boom, the server vanishes without me knowing.
2>>On 28 October 2018 one of my friends, Vavilov showed me his server, Contus and I was pretty impressed by what I've seen so I asked him if I can apply for staff because he was in help of some staff members,all good till know, after my app was done and I posted it,1 hour late I got accepted and he gave me the rank in game with the condition not to abuse the position. I was staff for 3 weeks because the server shut down because the lack of interest from the owner so I decided to ask him why he put his effort in this server if he decided to abandon the project halfway his journey. He did not answer me and 1 week later he opened it again in the hope he will go good this time but guess what, he did not make it right and he said in 2 weeks the server will be closed. The server is still on right now but with 0 players on.
3>>On 5th of January 2019 I joined a community named minemen as a trial-moderator, When I joined, all the staff members said welcome!And started saying they will be there if I will need help because we are a family. I was excited about it but I didn’t like 1 thing;the fact that the staff team were allowing the words "Ez, L, ***got,etc.."and i was a bit good with that.I have to say that i wasn t the best staff,not because of wrong mutes,it was because i was talking way to much with the community.I know this might sound doodoo but its true.It was my fault too and some of the staffs warned me about that but i didnt listen.In a day,i don t remember what day,i got demoted from a staff member and i wanted to ask him why.When he finally responded,he told me what ive done and i said "very well then".
4>> And my last experience is on cavepvp but i wont put a date on this one because i consider it a dissapointment,

Why do you want to become staff?:
I want to become a staff member for the following reasons:Resposability that this server is ruled with,the maturity of the staff members that are acting good and the stronghold between the staffs and their community,i will explain them right now.

Responsibility:So,there is a thing from the staff members that let you with the mind saying(I'm safe here and I will stay and play here)and I really meant that because I know from the staff's style that they need to have some responsibilities when they join the staff team so I'm counting on them that they will keep their word.

Maturity:When i see a staff member here,i am actually staying and reading the chat to see if the staff team made a good choice recruiting him in and from what I've seen now, i am truly impressed. They are very mature and they are as kind as possible with their players because they know what they have to do.

The Strong Hold:On this section,i want to make myself clear that the staffs and the normal players have some special connections with each other because at some points,the nowadays staffs were players at a time as well and they try to treat the regular members/donators as good as possible by joking with them, having fun and playing games. Where do I know this,well I have the curiosity to look for some staffs but I'm not that kind of stalker. I am trying to keep everything ok as a member and I will still try.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
SelfConfidence:I can call myself self confident because i've been in alot of situations that i was in need.I am indeed a benefit because i am assuring you that i have been working on it recently to have more of it because it really helps in every confusing situation.Example:If you have a test at math and you don't what to write because you are gassed with emotions,you need self confidence because that means you know what you are capable of and you free your mind voice that tells"YOU CAN DO IT ALIN" so its really important because if you have this,you can do alot of things in your life that you will be thankful about later on your life,I can present to you another example but this time in minecraft to make both count.So you are in the lobby and some people starts spamming and swearing,what would someone without self confidence would do,he would panic and say to himself "Oh no what is this i can do this,they are to many,im gonna be demoted,NOOOO' but a self cofidence man would be like "Ok lets start muting the player that started first,and after lets get rid of the other 2 or 3 mans" see what i mean.Self confidence brings to you the opportunity to be organised and the cycle of the thing you should do like:OK I DO this first then the other thing.Thats one of my benefits and i will be glad to show it to you.

StaffExperience:I've been staff on some server and i can tell you that i learned alot from them.Every server told me a history when i was staff and now i still know the stories.I really think that you need to have some experience on the respective position because when you are gonna be accepted,the owner will interview you and he will look in your application about some helpful details that can help him ask you questions and if he sees in your voice that your not ready and you have been lying,he will know you have been lying to him from the start.So instead of applying for a big server from the start,try applying for some small servers with 50-60 players and in time you realise that you want more than that and step into the next door in your Staff career.

Maturity: I really think that I am mature because I am 15 years old and you can't keep being childish like we were when we were kids. The thing that matured me was my brother that went to college in the UK, After he left I was really sad a few days and after that, I was talking to myself about stop acting like a kid because the life is not that easy as it looks when you are young. I started working hard on my things and getting mature really fast, I really thank god for giving me this chance to make myself more mature so I can be a good and patient guy. I really think I am qualified for this moderator position on your server because I have enough maturity to prove it so I will wait with patience till it's my moment and I will wait for that on your server and I hope you can notice what I am saying because I am a really good looking guy with the all he needs to be a staff on your server.

Additional Information:
I'm playing basketball and my favourite team is GSW[Golden State Warriors] and my favourite player is Curry.I'm quite good at my schoolwork but my favourite class is english one.I am very respectful with my friends and i treat them well.I am very thankful to you for letting me apply and i wish you a nice day.I am also very into the staff series because,i can see how may some staffs react and behave so i can know how to act and how not to act basically.
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