Accepted HCFHub

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Media Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): HCFHub
YouTube channel link:
Amount of subscribers: 242
How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: Currently i have 3 public videos but loads more unlisted videos from when i was previously famous on the server( on a different ign )
How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: I plan to try to upload daily but if not at least 2-3
Social Blade link: - Stats are bad because of my unlisted videos glitching it out
What rank are you applying for (Streamer, YouTube, Famous)?: Youtube ( was previously youtube but due to new media managers and different standards it was removed)


Media Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): HCFHub
YouTube channel link:
Amount of subscribers: 242
How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: Currently i have 3 public videos but loads more unlisted videos from when i was previously famous on the server( on a different ign )
How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: I plan to try to upload daily but if not at least 2-3
Social Blade link: - Stats are bad because of my unlisted videos glitching it out
What rank are you applying for (Streamer, YouTube, Famous)?: Youtube ( was previously youtube but due to new media managers and different standards it was removed)
new ign Larenzo
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