Denied growly staff application


IGN (In-Game Name): growly

Age: 16 years old

Region (EU/NA/Other): EU (GMT)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

I have some experience staffing. I was admin on a whitelist only SMP called "The Spiral SMP" which has now died due to inactivity ( proof included ). I had many positions in the discord, TeamSpeak and was always helping players in game too. One of my favourite memories on this SMP is helping one player who was always difficult to staff but took a liking to me for some reason. This made me gain a reputation of being the favourite staff on the SMP. I was Mod on sage and was SS verified. I enjoyed my time at sage and couldn't fault it at all. In my time away from Sage I got staff on the server Cold Network. I was also SS verified and got more experience screensharing and got experience using ainticheat alerts and logs (the same ones used on Sage).

SpiralSMP - Admin
SagePVP - Mod and SS verified
Cold network - Mod and SS verified

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would like to be a staff member so I can help the community and players in need. I would also like to be staff as I work well in a team of staff and players. I am always very willing to learn new things and would love to be taught how to be a staff on sagePVP. I am a fast learner in what I am enjoying, I enjoy staffing as I can help people in need and make their day better. I am a fun person to be around but I am serious when working when needs be. Being EU I can help people in need on EU times when the US staff cant help them. This means that I can reach more people and have no people unattended in support rooms. I know how frustrating it can be waiting in support rooms for a long time and would hate to see Sage's players have that frustration. I am always willing to lead a group of people as I am quite confident, this makes it easier to collaborate with others. I love Sage PVP and would love to help player experience. In doing so I will have no distain to teach new screen sharers how to SS and the skills required. I am a good teacher and love to help people learn new skills. This also make it so I might make a good mentor to others too, always willing to help any staff in need of assistance. I already know how the server works which will make me settle in, almost immediately to how I was. I would like another chance at Sage as I have more time on my hands now and have matured in my time away from the server.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If I am accepted as staff I would help people with bugs, glitches and general help. I would always be willing to help anyone in need of my assistance and I would help with support rooms and blatant hackers. I can also screenshare and find hackers, decreasing the amount of cheaters on the server. I will be very responsible with the power granted to me and will not abuse it for players or my own benefit. I will always listen to players and will always give them a chance. As a mod I would be willing to show trial mods a bit of help if needed. Being a trial mod though, I will always talk to my mentor if there is anything I need to know, or anything I need to share/ report.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would honestly rate myself and 8/10 as I am always willing to help players and collaborate with other staff members. My small amount of staff experience helps with this too. I also am an honest, genuine person and always tell the truth when needs be. I would never lie in such a serious topic like staffing on sage. I believe that you should fess up to lies told and things done in the past as it is not good for you or others included in the lie.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Proud - Mod
ziz - Senior admin
Crating - Senior mod
Frazer -Senior Mod
sewing - Platform-admin
InnocentWagon - Platform-admin

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map?

I can meet the staff time requirement of 12 hours a wipe and will manage around 18 to 20 hours a week with no unforeseen events.

What is your telegram @?:
My telegram is @growly3.

What is your discord @?:
My discord is growly#0019

Thank you for reading,



  • Badlion Client Screenshot 2022.05.15 -

  • Badlion Client Screenshot 2022.05.21 -
  • ColdProof.jpg
  • Staff.jpg

  • Staff2.jpg
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Veteran Member
I have reviewed your application. Unfortunately, it has been denied.
You may re-apply in 2 weeks.