Denied ghqc's applcation (Na) edited & fixed


IGN (In Game Name): ghqc


Timezone: PST


Do you own a quality microphone?: not at the moment

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: discord: ghqc#4587 Teamspeak: ghqc Telegram @ghqc_bard

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:I was staff on my friends server i was a T-Mod i was a Mod+ purgepots i was a Sr.Mod
All I was doing was just ssing, muting people, and dealing with the toxic practice community. I’ve been staff on lots of other servers but I don’t think I need to list them because they weren’t as important as the servers I have already listed or because I didn’t learn much from being staff there.

Why do you want to become Staff?: i want to become staff because i will do everything to keep this server great and clean
I know that as a staff member, I am responsible for the server and the reputation that it gets, so I intend on taking my job as staff very seriously. Another reason I am applying for Sage is that I enjoy social interactions, Minecraft is a very highly community-based game and so for a server to be successful, the community of the server needs to be happy. I know that Sage prioritizes its players which is a characteristic that I can respect, which brings me to my third point. Respect, I respect the owners and the administration team of Sage. I can see the amount of effort that you guys have put into the server and it shows how much you are dedicated to constantly making the server better. I’m also very efficient, professional, and very mature.

Why should we accept you as staff?Efficiency: I’m sure many of your applicants say that they are active, but activity is useless if the staff member does not use their time efficiently. I can be on for a good amount of time, I will spend every second of it helping players, banning people for the right punishments, and moderating chat to filter any unwanted toxicity out and try my best to keep the server clean. Professionality: A successful staff team needs to be professional at all times when dealing with players. As I said before, staff represent the server and the staff help the server form the reputation that it has. I have seen numerous times where a staff member is unprofessional with a player in a support room or while talking to them about something, this usually leads to the player making some sort of report on the staff member for being unprofessional which will give the server a bad reputation. As a staff member on Sage, I will always be professional and represent the server as best as I can. Maturity: Alongside being professional, the staff team needs to be mature. People often mistake professionality and maturity as the same thing and although that they can be the same in many cases, they can also be very different from each other. Maturity means that you know when to be professional and when to have fun and joke around with your friends. For example, In a staff meeting, it is important to stay quiet, be listening, and ask important questions that will contribute to the conversation. While on the other hand, you can have fun when you are in a staff lounge with some friends of yours. It is very important to know when and where to be professional and when to fool around and have fun.
Can any staff member vouch for you?: MattAlt Mod+ and Sauds admin

Additional Information: i talk alot but im getting better at stoping it
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Well-known member

Lack of detail put towards the application
Lack of effort put into the application
Hard to read
No proof of previous staffing experiences

Good luck,
- Alf / Apposed​


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @ghqc, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.