Denied Forle Staff Application (NA)

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IGN (In-Game Name):
My in-game name is Forle

Region (EU/NA/Other): SA, Chile, I talk English

Age: 15

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes (3 Months - 1 Year) > PA (Manager) Click Here! > Server Close - Mostly Moderated Chat and Got a few bans. (1 Month - 4 Months) Click Here! > Trial-Mod > Resigned - Here I mostly did screen shares and ban appeals. > Mod+ (4 Months - 8 Months) Click Here! > Resigned - Here I mostly did screen shares and ban appeals. > Admin (7 Months - 4 Year) Click Here! > Resigned - Mostly Moderated Chat and Got a few bans > PA (1 Month - 2 Year) Click Here! > Reigned - Managed The screen share team and helped write the Screen share guide > Tria-Mod (6 Months -9 Months) Click Here! > Resigned - Mostly Moderated Chat and Got a few bans > PA (4 Months - 3 Year) Click Here! > Resigned - Managed Community Relations and the Screen Share team and heavily involved in the screen share team and Helped with faction Strikes > PA (6 Months - 9 Months) Click Here! > Server Closed - Managed Community Relations and the Screen Share team and help whit the Buycraft Problems > Manager (PA) (6 Months - 2 Year) Click Here! > Server Close - Heavily involved in the screen share team and Helped with faction Strikes and Managed The screen share team and helped write the Screen share guide > Sr-Admin (5 Months - 1 Year) Click Here! > Resigned - Heavily involved in the screen share team and Helped with faction Strikes.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
because it is a server that I dedicate a lot of my day to playing on the server, and I want to help the community since I see that there are many hackers and toxicity, And because the truth is that I like the server in all its characteristics, and I want the server to continue to grow, but with less toxicity and less hacker so that the experience of new users is a little better and they want to continue playing the server

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
The first thing I would do to improve everyone's experience is by making them feel welcome and wanted in the community.
There are a lot of toxic people and sometimes they can drive you crazy, so by being nice - you can always make someone's day better and make them enjoy the server a lot more. Other than making someone happy because of the welcome feeling, I would also take care of the chat and make sure everything is going smoothly and nicely. I like muting people who try to evade the rules, warning people about what's right and what's wrong.

Banning literally anyone who cheats, I enjoy screen sharing and I like to think I am very good at it.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?:
If I had to pinpoint where I truly think my honesty is on a rating from 1-10, I would put it on an 8. This is simply because I do not like to lie, but as everyone knows, there are times where lying is almost necessary to make a situation better. For Sage, though, I do not see any purpose or benefit of lying to anyone simply because whatever happens in-game shouldn't have an impact on anyone's personal lives. All in all, I would say that I'm a true person and whatever I say I will stick by. Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) I cannot say with 100% certainty that a staff member could vouch for me without me asking.
I don't like lying to people

Can any current staff members vouch for you?
I cannot say with 100% certainty that a staff member could vouch for me without me asking, but I do hope to build a connection with the whole team if I'm given the opportunity to staff on sage!

Additional Information?:
I'm from Chile, but I talk a lot of English, and I talk Spanish, All the srv's have Spanish Community
Thank you for your consideration I hope to speak to you soon!


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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