Denied Flashlevel Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name): flashlevel
Age: 15
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

VaultPVP: (Helper) CentileHCF: (Moderator) SparkHCF: (Senior-Moderator) MedievalHCF: (Platform-Administrator) NerrixHQ: (Manager) HCZones: (Trial-Mod) Velon Network (Owner) HCFlags (Admin) RougeMC (T-Mod) HCCrowns (Plat-Admin) SenticPVP (Mod) VanityMC (Moderator) TheArchon (Trial-Mod)

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to become a staff member because I feel that I can put forth very good ideas about how to improve and change the server for the better. I’ve been offering help and guidance to any player who may need it since I started playing on Sage. Being a Staff would encourage more players to ask me questions and give me a chance to help them with many things, since I have noticed that players are often hesitant to ask questions if a staff member is not online. Additionally, I'd like to be a staff member because I am very familiar with the rules on Sage, which will better help me enforce and know how to handle them. I generally love playing on HCF, but also play kitmap. Sage has such as different aspect towards it and you can play it for hours without getting bored! It has something that quite a few other servers don't - unique ideas. I know that the development team work hard on the plugins and the results really show. It makes the game more enjoyable for me as more and more features get added every few days or weeks. I needed help on the server once, and which people were very supportive, which makes me want to help more players as they helped me. I feel that I would be very useful and helpful to the community because of the fact that I am on the server so much. This means that I can dedicate my free time to helping players on the server and making their experience even more enjoyable than it already is. I feel that I have many if not all of the most important qualities of a staff member. I have been a staff on a number of servers previously and have helped populate those servers pass their former limitations, not that Sage needs a bigger player-base. I brought good ideas to the table in an attempt to better the server, and I wish to be the exact same way here on Sage. I am an overall friendly guy who loves Minecraft. I play on Sage about 95% of the time that I am on Minecraft overall and plan to stay for as long as possible! Furthermore, I want to be staff because as opposed to many players who heavily focus on one gamemode, I am fairly active on almost all of the realms and can monitor them to make sure everything is running smoothly. This would give ease to the staff team because they wouldn't have to worry about watching so many servers at once. Another major reason why I want to be a staff member on Sage is because this server is one of the few servers that I have really gotten to know over time and to be able to finally help the server in a different way as a staff member would be a great experience for me. From the time I joined, I had always looked up to the staff members and admired them for all of the time and effort they put into the server, and I was very appreciative of it. At that point, the idea of becoming staff started to grow on me and I realised how exciting it would be to "pay it forward" and help out the new players that are in the same position I once was when I first joined. As I know from joining many different servers, it can be quite intimidating getting to know people on the server, figuring out how to play the server, etc. and I would love to be able to make this process as fun and smooth as possible for new players on Sage. My goal in mind with this would be to make their first impression of the server a great one so that they will continually come back to play more. In addition to a smooth entry onto the server, I'd like to be able to engage new players into the community and create a more open playing environment where new players aren't afraid to meet new people. As a someone who might be new to the server, especially when I was younger, it was a bit intimidating trying to talk to people in chat who seemed to already have their specific groups of friends on the server.

If you are accepted or staff, what can you do to make player‘s experience better:
If I am accepted I will put foward all the ideas I have to make hcf and sage a dominate server, I may only be 15 years old but do have some good ideas! To start, sage has a very good way of making players want to play it’s something with the partner items making hcf fun Aswell everything is so easy to get setup. I played other servers such as viper, cave and in my eyes sage is most definitely the easiest and most fun. I like team fighting and base raiding, no matter what it is as long as I’m on sage I am going to have fun. To end, if i was staff I would help out by banning hackers, making sure everyone is moved in teamspeak, and help everyone I can!

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
If I was to rate my honestly I was to rate my honestly I would give it a solid 8, this is because I I truly think if I am wrong owning up to it will always make it better.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Additional Information?:

Off-Record: sorry the last few parts are kinda short just didn’t have anything else to say as it’s all said in the big paragraph.
Proof: I do not have proof, if really needed I can get some prepaid if there is an interview (May only be able to get recent servers)


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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