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Before reading my application please note.
I know 12 years old is very young but i have been staff on a lot of servers and never been kicked off of the staff team because of my age I have had to say im 13 to just be accepted but my age does not affect my staffing at all.

IGN (In Game Name): Flairings.
Timezone: BST.
Country: United Kingdom / London.
Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes, i have a working microphone.
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Yes, i have all three applications.
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: Yes.
Total of 9 servers.
Name » ExemPvP
Role » Senior-Mod
Player count » 90+
I resigned on Exem because they were very unprofessional basically what happened was the developer & owners moved me in the channel and said “ill give you a promotion if you go to the manager and talk shit to him for 20 minutes” so I went into the channel and told the manager what he asked and then I went back to the developer & owner and said i did it.
They gave me the promotion and then they said to tell him he was demoted (me not playing along) I went in with the manager and said what they said and then he got demoted for real so i decided to leave.
Name » HCRival
Role » Trial-Mod
Player count » 50+
i resigned on HCRival because i felt like the owners treated me differently because of my youtube channel.
Name » Mars Network
Role » Admin
Player count » 60+
i resigned on mars because the server was going nowhere and people on that server ddos.
Name » SenaticPvP
Player count » 40 - 50
Role » Admin
I Was Staff On Senatic For A long Time and I’m glad to say I learned from them, besides from some of the mistakes I may of made whilst staff on Senatic, I also learned many new things such as patience, I had to be very patience most of the time, for example some people were very mad about being killed by a hacker, instead of arguing back, I had to calmly help them out in their situation. I resigned on Senatic after a couple of months because I felt as I did not enjoy Senatic anymore.
Name » Visage Network
Role » Senior-Mod
Player count » 40 - 50
The server used leaked plugins & the owner did not care about the server
Name » SkylerMC
Role » Senior-Mod
Player count » 60+
resigned on Skyler because I felt like I was staff for too long and I did not enjoy it anymore
Name » SyncPvP
Role » Mod
Player count » 50+
i resigned because the mods were not very nice to me and the owner was very self centred
Name » DenseHCF
Role » Manager
Player count » 50+
i left that server after the owner scammed me out of 100$ with my friend
Name » HCDreams
Role » Mod
Player count » 40+
i resigned of the HCDreams as much fun as i had on the server it was not really going anywhere and it just was not fun anymore

Name » AuraPots
Role » Mod
Player count » 30+
i resigned because someone came on the server and cheated and we found vape in ss and the owner kept unbanning him

I do have more servers that I have been staff on, but believe that I benefited most at these servers. Please refer to the other document for more staff experiences.

Side Note: I have been either SS Manager or SS Verified on every server I have been on that had Screensharing in place.

Why do you want to become Staff?:
Well, I would like to dedicate time to help the server with cheaters, trash talkers and possibly even development, if needed. With other servers, it tends to lean away from having fun and primarily focusing on staffing and staying professional. Although I do find at times I can be very professional and very determined, I would like to join a server that is willing to have some fun with players and other staff members. In no way shape or form will I jeopardise my position or anyone else with a silly joke or something similar. Ultimately, I think your network has a very clean and welcoming community that I believe I could see myself fitting into.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
To be honest, I think I have a lot more experience than others have. I can share my knowledge with others, helping them improve on their skills. I would say that I am very determined and love what I do. I will stay loyal to the network, never portraying the team, or leaving them. I believe that I will be able to help and improve other staff members skills by sharing my knowledge with them, so they will have my wisdom to pass onto others, this will improve efficiency and also improve their ability to do certain things, such as screen share. Overall, this is why I think you should consider me as a member of staff.
Can any staff member vouch for you?: None.
Additional Information:
Other skills i would like to list


Every staff member should be able to communicate what is going on in different situations. This includes being able to calmly communicate when something is going in that you don't agree with. Communication is key in a team environment, especially when you are all working together to ensure that the server is thriving.

Dedication is a huge thing that every member of every team needs. You don't want to hire someone that puts in half the work they could be just because they're not dedicated enough. An owner and manager should be able to rely on their team to work to their fullest potential to ensure that things are running smoothly. You should need to chase up your team because they'd rather be doing something else.
Decision Making

Making decisions is a key skill that everyone should have. If you make a decision you need to commit to it, instead of worrying about your entire life about whether or not it was the right one to make. This applies to staffing a Minecraft server just as much as it does to everything else in life. You can't have an indecisive staff member.
Problem Solving

This goes hand in hand with Decision making. I pride myself on my problem solving, as do most Software Developers. My entire career is based on problem-solving. If a staff member can't solve simple problems, then you have a problem on your hands. A lot of problems will pop up on the server that staff members need to deal with, and if a staff member can't do this, they really shouldn't be on the team.
Conflict resolution

This goes hand in hand with not holding a grudge. Conflict will happen on a faction server, both between two members of staff, or a member of staff and a community member. It's part of the game mode, it always has been and always will be. If a staff member can't put this behind them and resolve the conflict in a cool, calm and collected manner, it just shows their lack of maturity.


Legendary Member
Your age is going to make you struggle when attempting to become staff on any server, trust me I’ve been there. Although that being said, this is a well written application so I wish you the best of luck from me. +1


Known member
Add a ton more detail in the following areas:
"Why do you want to become Staff?"
"Why should we accept you as a Staff?"

Depending on how much has changed, I'll change my rating.