Denied Famous/Partner Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): RefillingPots
YouTube channel link: (I stream on twitch)
Amount of subscribers: (followers) 1.1k
How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: 1 I will be streaming a lot more ( one per day )
How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: I plan to stream at least 7 times a week
Other: I feel like I could be a great
edition to the media team! I can bring many great players to the community.
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Established member
Thank you for taking the time to apply for a media position on our network, but unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one of more of the following reasons:

- You have not uploaded any recent Minecraft content,

- You don't have at least 1 video uploaded on the network,

- You don't average over 200+ views,

- You don't have over 400 subscribers.