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Currently Aged 17 Years.

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〄─────Any past experiences in being a staff member?─────〄
Sage - Mod
I was staff on Sage for around 4+ weeks and was a Mod on the network. I found the network more fun than playing HCF than I would have thought and would think that I learned a lot of very important Staff Tips and Tricks. I was SS Verified on the network within the first 4 Days of me becoming staff because of my Background of Screensharing. The Network had Great Staff But I came to find it boring after the players would be down to 30 at a Max after SOTW Happened and feel like now I would be able to get more enjoyable experience with the Higher player count and the more active community over on Sage, also would like to state that everything I have put forward in the network made me feel like I have a role in the community and would love to continue to staff on a different Network.


PyschoHCF - Admin
On this Network I was a Admin for a short time before the network was shut down completely and was never heard from again. I spent over 2 months on the network and enjoyed it to a certain degree. The staff team was nice but the player base was extremely toxic and would ddos / dox and we could not these players or it would lead to us getting ddosed or doxed. We had players Daily having Database leaks and etc. Did not recommend the network one of the higher Admins I worked with was "Amarese" who is now a SagePvP Plat-Admin and he has vouched for me as a staff of Pyscho. There isnt a lot of detail I could add into this due the the network would have none to little updates and would not have helped me learn anything except the reasons above. The player base was extremely abusive and was abused for by admins.


The Archon - Trial Mod
On The Archon Network I learned a lot about dealing with higher player counts and how to deal with toxic and cheating players. I felt like this was one of my highest Staff positions on any network due to how big it currently is and feel like its still a great Network. I was a Trial Mod for around 5 Weeks before resigning because I had some grades to get up and the Staff Team was not the greatest but till this day my friend "FaZeStanky" is currently going on 5 weeks of trial mod along with his friend. The network overall had some flaws but I feel that I got my basics of Staffing over there along with Screen Share tips more than any where else! Also would like to state that while over there I learned alot, the factions realm helped teach me how to deal with various challenges as, mutes, bans, roll backs. The Player-base there is decently sized and the factions servers are my main background as in the upcoming Experiences I would like to move onto HCF/Practice Servers. But I would like to say that I was staff on there for around 2 months until I resigned on the network but would like to move here as I previously stated. The network it self is an Amazing network but I did not feel the regular factions realm fit my suit. As I felt more intrigued to deal with HCF and practice servers and feel that part of the community is where I belong.

⑄─────Why do you want to become staff?─────⑄
Truly, I want this rank is because I believe it will be a good suit for me. I am an active player and can help the server out a lot. There isn't a vast majority of staff on anymore. As an active player, Even if there is staff, most of them don't go online very often. I am finding out that there has been an immense number of hackers recently and I feel as I will be able to help get rid of the majority of them. There has also been a lot of people continuously being racist and mean towards other innocent players, using max capitals, spamming a lot, advertising sometimes, and being super Racist and Disrespectful sometimes then say "kys" in chat, honestly that is so bad because it is a video game we are suppose to have fun someone should not be told to "Kill Themselves" when they have done nothing wrong just because that other players is mad, like literally, it's just a block game. I will not tolerate disrespectful and Racist players or any of the other things I mentioned no matter what. If they're doing any of those listed above, Then an action will have to be taken. I always see players in chat" HACKER HELP" "HACKER TP" and stuff and I really want to help those players. Also I have been in Discord and people always need help and that is one of my favorite things to do as a staff member, I like to handle the support rooms. I have even been in with a staff member and my friend really needed help and he's like "No, I've done my help in discord for the day" and he left. Honestly, I think that is unbelievably rude and I really want to help those players. And be on to save those players from the hackers and I believe I can really be a huge benefit to this network. I also think that the community can be a nice place and If I were accepted it would be in my best interest to help all players no matter what. The network I feel is great and me being added to the team would be mind blowing to me as how big the network is and I feel I could put forth a huge effort to help grow and help the sage team in need if anything is possible. The amount of players that in a waiting room was a extreme amount but it was not long before a staff member moved them and helped every single one of them. I would like to be doing that soon if possible on the network.

〄─────Why should we accept you as staff?─────〄
I would like to become staff for a variety of reasons. One of the most important, and one of the biggest reasons I would like to become staff, is that I strive to help the community. A lot, and I mean a lot of hcf servers just simply don't care anymore. I will not be naming any of the servers, however, the staff team is corrupted, lazy, or just simply don't care. I think Sage is different, I also think I can help assist this. With my activity, dedication & mature self, I can almost promise that I will help. Next, I'd like to mention another big reason as to why I want to be staff. Hackers. Complaints. With hackers, comes complaints, with these two combined, comes angry players. Some say "if you prevent the situation before it occurs, it won't occur at all", I 100% agree with this statement. If we can simply get rid of the cheaters before they kill players than it'll fix the problem quite fast. However, we cannot always get them before they kill players, but with all the hours I will be on, I can offer them fast support. Fast support means happy players. Basically, what I am trying to say is that I want to help players, I want to help sage, and most importantly, I want to help the community. I believe that sage is the best hcf Server out there at this very moment. Offering hcf, And much more. I just want to help. For my last reason, I'd like to mention that HCF is fun to me. I want to be staff to help. As stated in more detail in the previous two paragraphs, I want to see others be happy. Every staff member cannot be perfect, or even close, However, you need to recruit the "most fit" staff members for the job. The staff need to be active, otherwise Players quit. I want to be the staff member that people thank for assisting them, for helping them everyday, or whenever they need assistance. I personally think that sage is a good server, with a good staff team, however, I do think I can add to all that good, and benefit it in the positive direction. I think that with the amount of players in the sage community that I could continue and serve in the community and would love to continue that position on this network. I would also like to state that I have been a decently OG Player starting back in around 2017 so not that long but a decent amount. I used to go under the name "9z8" hence my fourms name by have changed it since.
⑄──Can any current staff members vouch for you?──⑄

⑄──Additional Information─────⑄
I feel like I would enjoy this network more than ever despite my ban / mute / warn history! I would also like to state that I have changed from what I used to be and hopefully I could get a second change from my history and help the community again!

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Well-known member

remove "deez nutz" that shit aint funny no more.
center the text it looks dumb and all that shit u did with each question jus makes it look ugly.
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