Denied Ethan1224's Staff Application

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New member


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I do not have a history of being an HCF staff member, however, I do have 2 years of experience of being a loyal player of the HCF gamemode. I would love for Sage to be the beginning of my HCF staffing career.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would love to become a staff member on Sage because it would be a very interesting and humbling learning experience. After being a player of HCF for 5 years, the game mode has gotten stale from a player's point of view. I would like to become a staff member so I can help other players learn the game, and keep this gamemode alive. I believe Sage has the most wholesome and kindhearted community out of any other HCF servers, and I would love to be able to be a key part of this community. I would love the chance to prove myself to the staff team, and the player base that I can be there when I'm needed, and help make every interaction as friendly as I can. When I first started playing on HCF, I was consistently being told to kill myself, being glitched/hacked on, and just overall harassed by more experienced players. I wish there was a staff member there to help answer questions and somewhat teach the game to me the way I hope I can.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I will improve the players’ experience by minimizing players’ interactions with hackers, racists, and bigots. I will make it my goal to assist players as fast as I can, not making them wait in TeamSpeak for 30+ minutes. I will dedicate countless hours every week to making Sage’s community better, and I will make sure nobody will ruin this level of purity. If a player is requesting assistance from staff in chat, I would try my best to assist them. I can give tips to new players such as always be recording, and screenshot any proof you can. As a player of HCF I understand what it's like to be a member of a community waiting in TeamSpeak, angry that I died to a cheater, and not being able to continue playing until a staff member moves me 30+ minutes later. I can see any situation from a player's point of view, and I can relate on a personal level to players who are going through a stressful situation. I wish to be there as a guiding hand to those who need it, any time and any situation.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would consider myself an 8. I believe honesty is a key part of being mature. I believe someone who is honest will be able to paint the clearest picture to anyone involved in any situation. Having a lying staff member can lead to various issues I would rather not be a part of.

Can any current staff member vouch for you?: (optional)
No current staff members can vouch for me.

Additional Information?:
My name is Ethan, I am very eager to learn new things that come with being a part of a staff team. I have been playing HCF for around 2 years and I feel that the gamemode is becoming quite bland to play. Everything that I’ve ever disliked about the game (relating to staff interactions) I will try to minimize. I usually put around 3-4 hours playing HCF, and since I have this new passion for staffing, I will easily be able to put around 3-4 hours a day at least. I get out of school at 2 PM, and I have maintained a job for the last 4 years. I believe that maintaining this job proves that I can be committed to something for extended periods of time. I have developed great life skills from this job, such as maturity, self courage, and social skills. I can use these social skills to de-escalate any situation and keep the situation as controlled as possible. I am confident in my abilities, and I don't second guess myself. I will not be shy, and I will be open to talking to anybody and everybody. I hope you can consider me for this position, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Telegram: @ Emoneyyy1224
Discord: Ethn#5835
(I have teamspeak, and a working microphone)

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Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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