Denied Eighteen (EU)


New member



Previous experience
Format :
Additionals / Reason of departure

SS Verified, Dutch Translator
Demoted for a mistake

SS Verified, Dutch Translator

Senior Moderator
Head of SS, Dutch Translator
Interviewed, accepted/denied applicants. (Resigned)

Moderator +
Head of SS, Dutch Translator

Head of SS, Translator Manager

These are all the HCF Servers, that I find important, that I staffed on

Why would you like to become staff on SagePvP,

I would like to become Staff on SagePvP, because I miss staffing on an HCF Server, I've always enjoyed staffing on a HCF Server and eventually I had to leave due to my In-Real life was becoming way too busy, now that I finished school and I'm enjoying my summer break and work I have free time, and I wouldn't like anything else then becoming helpful towards a HCF Server because I love to work for a HCF Server and I want to be helpful towards players that need assistance, I also applied a few months back and became pending and did my interview with a Senior Administrator eventually I wasn't accepted because Justin was extremely busy and I didn't feel like he had time to review my application, due to these reasons I left Minecraft on good terms to focus on my own real life issues. Now that I have so many spare time I couldn't think of anything else but becoming Staff on a HCF Server. I started my Staffing journey at Sage and would like to end it here, yes I want to put all my efforts in Sage and wouldn't want to leave until I achieved a high rank to help players at my best and I feel like I can peacefully leave the HCF Community.

If accepted, how can you improve the players experience.

Well due to me being very experienced and I have loads of knowledge about HCF and Screensharing I feel like I am an all-round Staff member and I can help players where they need it, next to that I'm extremely helpful and I have a fucked up sleep-schedule, meaning that even tho I am EU I can be online on US and AU times, which means, I can always help players in need whenever they need it, which gives me enough confidence that I can extremely improve the experience of players. I also master multilingualism, meaning I speak more than one language which can also be helpful when I want to help players. I am also very dedicated once I want to get something done for someone it gets done, that's a characatarism that comes with me, which I find extremely chill because it helps me in life and I hope it can help players too. I am also a very professional, mature and respectful person, I'd always be respectful towards everyone and anyone. I find that important due to the fact it's always important to stay respectful in any situation.

If you were to rate your honesty on a 1-10 what would it be and why.

To be honest, I won't even spin around this, it's a solid ten for me, I'm honest, I always admit my mistakes and whenever someone asks me anything I'll answer in all honesty, I can't talk too much about this question, it's just how it is.

Can any current staff member vouch for you :

I haven't talked with anyone about submitting this application, but I remember Deployable as my mentor and he used to vouch for me too.

Additional information


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.