Denied Deleted -Thinking about leaving MC


Active member
IGN (In Game Name): P1xelPlays

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes, I do.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: Discord: NoSweatPVP#6221 Telegram: @P1xelPlays

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: Yes, I used to be staff on a few servers.
MedievalHCF -Rank: Plat-admin Proof:
FrozenHCF -Rank: Trial Mod Proof:
VaultPVP -Rank Trial Mod Proof: More Proof:

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I think I should become staff on SagePVP because I feel that I'm a staff member who can
help. What, I mean by help, is I'm a mature person. But, I'll say things about me later on. I
am also good with teamwork. I love helping and talking with other staff members, if a staff
member needs help understanding something, I will always help them. Even, that their staff
it doesn't matter, it's still a person. In TeamWork, I will always let the other person talk when
they need to, of course, if I don't know when.
I also want to be Staff because I’m a staff member that I think people who will love, I’ll put as
much effort as I can for people to like me as a staff member so there even happier with the
server and just for another staff member to love and get assistance from another SagePVP
staff member, what I mean is that I feel that people love certain staff members! One, of the
reasons I think I should be staff, is because of my experience. I have been staff on
Hcf/Kitmap servers, before so I know commands, for example, /staff mode /mod /ban
/ipban and more. I know a lot about KitMap / HCF Servers, due to the fact it's really that I
play. When I'm staff on a server I don't just leave the team unless there is a good reason for
me to resign. I will try my best to help the server, out and make it smooth for everyone, so
they don't have a hard time, and SagePVP can get an even better reputation. I will always
be commenting on applications, or ban appeals. I will do a lot in in-game, for example,
helping people that do /helpop or /report. I will always watch the chat believe it or not. No
offense, but there are staff members that just don't look in the chat at all. I would tp to that
person that needs help when I can if I'm doing something else. Now when I have combat
timer I won't /staffmode or /mod when I'm fighting someone. I would wait till my pvp timer
has run out. It's kinda like you're "thirsty" for a ban if someone says "Hacker! TP" and you
just /mod. There is other stuff, and just forgetting bans, mutes, and more is not gonna
promote you as some staff doesn't see. I will try to be in Teamspeak and in-game to help
players. When someone needs help in Teamspeak, I will move them as soon as I can. I will
always use my time on SagePVP, while staffing I enjoy it, I love it. I want players to have
fun to enjoy the community and have the best time they can. I will also be in Teamspeak even
if not staffing at the time. When I staff I take it seriously like every other staff member. I will
stay with SagePVP until I get demoted or if I have to resign for example "I can't spend as
much time as I used to" But that probably won't happen. If I made it to Admin I know how to
accept and deny, ban appeals. When being a staff member you will have to be calm, on a big
community, like SagePVP. For example, if I were to get demoted, I will understand. If it
will give the SagePVP community a better reputation I would deal with it. But if it was
something like "I abused" and didn't, I would ask for proof, as I will never abuse. Now when
it comes to this section, I will never be toxic to a player. Or, a SagePVP player. I wouldn't
even be toxic to a staff member in general if I were to be staff. If I was toxic it can set a bad
reputation on that server, and I wouldn't put work into this application for no reason. So, I
feel like you should trust me on this. Plus I can hurt someone’s feelings and I never would
want to do that.
I also will make sure, I won't do anything false. What I mean by this, is that I won't mess up,
on bans, ban appeals.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

I will always have my manners as if someone joined the channel I would ask "Hey, how are
you?" I will never be mad in-game or when I'm staffing. I will, always be polite and never
scream into the microphone, be racist, and more. I'm just a chill guy.


I'm overall chill no matter what happens. The only thing that can get me mad is if someone
talks about my religion or family, which I would never do to a staff member or player, I mean
I won't get mad, just sad.


Now, you can see I'm motivated as I'm putting work and effort in this application, and right
on now I have 3k Words, which I hope I can change to 4k or 5k very soon! I will always fix my
application if I get a bad response.


I'll always be professional, that is one thing that all staff should have. Now, being professional
can show people that play on the SagePVP community that they are getting, good staff
teaching them and more, which can help SagePVP a lot. As SagePVP has the Professional
staff all ready.


I only know english at the moment.


Sometimes, I see staff being thirst for promotions, for example probably a staff member will
try to get a ban first over and over again as SagePVP is a big community, but staff have to
understand that just banning, muting, warning people won't only get you a promotion, as you
have to do other things for the community it's self.

Can any staff member vouch for you?: Mabye clothes.

Additional Information: I like the server, and I think I would be a great Addition to the team. Also I have school Monday - Friday. only six hours a day. So I could be active at least 5 hours a day. Longer on weekends.


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @P1xelPlaysMC, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.