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IGN (In Game Name):








Do you have a good quality mic?:

Yes, I have the blue snowball.

Do you have Telegram and Teamspeak?:

Yes, I have both applications installed.
Discord: BlackConfig#2700
Telegram: @IGNArcaneClient

How many hours can you put in the server per week:

Monday : 3 - 5 hours

Tuesday : 3 - 5 hours

Wednesday : 3 - 5 hours

Thursday : 3 - 5 hours

Friday : 6 - 8 hours

Saturday : 4 - 6 hours

Sunday : 3 - 5 hours

Overall : 25 - 39 hours per week.

Any previous punishments on Faithful?:

Yes, I have some previous punishments. But I am not really aware of all of them but I do know that I have been false banned for cheating, but was unbanned shortly after.

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:



I was staff on HCFatal for around a month before the server had reoccurring problems and started failing.
HCFatal was a small hcf server that had around a 50-60 player base.
As I was staff on HCFatal I learned that being a staff member was the best HCF experience I have had in a very long time and it brought my joy for staffing to life and really made me want to apply on more servers.




I was staff on Ventrix for 2 weeks before resigning due to the server not being able to maintain a steady staff team.
Although the only proof I have is discord proof, I can get valid proof if needed.
As I was staff on Ventrix I learned the basics of being a staff member and helping out members and communicating with others and being active in every aspect possible.


Why do you want to become staff?:

I would love to become a part of the Sagepvp staff because I have been a part of the server for 3 years and I have loved the server ever since I started playing.I also feel like I have the skills it takes to be a SagePVPstaff member. I believe I can help the players of the community in many ways and helping people has always been my passion. Throughout the years I have acquired knowledge that will help me in being a staff member and I have always loved playing HCF.

Faithful has always been my favorite ever since I started, and I have always loved the staff team and agree with everything that they do. The server has amazing qualities that no other server has and even though the community can be toxic, I have stuck with it through it all and I still love the server. As I quit MC for a while I had memories of how fun Sagepvp was and I wanted to return and bring those memories to life.

As I have gotten more experience on Sagepvp I have truly realized how many key aspects this server has that no other server has nor will ever have, and I feel amazing to play the server everyday and have fun with others, and I feel if I get staff it will give me the opportunity to connect with as many players as I can and grow closer to everyone.
I have always wanted to become a Sagepvp staff member and I really think I can better the community with my skills and the proper training.
Sagepvp has always brought joy to the players on the server and I want to be a part of the staff team that make the server amazing as it is today.

The player base on Sagepvp is what astonished me and lead me to come back to hcf and be a part of the joy that I once had.I severely want to make it on the staff team. Being on the team has always been a dream of mine and I have never made it yet and i want that to change, that’s why I am again striving to get better at everything I do and achieve the goal that i have always had, and that goal is to become a staff member.

As I have gotten more experience over time, I feel like I can bring a good knowledge to the server. Over the years I have seen an improvement in Sagepvp and I want to see where the server can go one day, and I want to be a part of the server growing for the full time that it will grow, and that is my intention for the rest of my HCF experience. I want to have fun whilst seeing the server grow and making sure I am doing the best I can at doing my job as a staff member.

I've been playing Sagepvp since 2017 and I feel that I am ready to take it a step further as I have a lot more fun staffing and communicating with members and staff since I have been playing HCF for nearly three years and I just love the feeling of helping out people and knowing that I am a part of a server that I have always been dreaming of being staff on.

Deleted member1 - Irish

Looks Pretty Good so far even though you said to delete it. I know why you want it deleted though.
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