Denied DeathWishes Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name): IgnRun
Age: 15
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

DemonMC (Shut Down)- Moderator. At DemonMC I was a Moderator but I still had the permissions of an admin because not many staff were active, so when Higher Ups weren't I could start koths and do things and admin would have to do.

SyncPvP (Shut Down)- Admin
As an admin at SyncPvP I helped make decisions regarding the server sometimes and I also caught hackers because I was Screenshare Verified, and I also was a mentor for other lower staff.

LimitedMC (Sold and I didnt want to go to the server they sold to) - Senior Admin
Since I was a head staff at limited I made decisions regarding the servers welfare and I helped shape the server into what it was when they shut down.

Vexor (Resigned because of exams) - Sr. Moderator
At Vexor my Job was to help catch hackers and also I did rollbacks for people, I had many permissions on this server and this is what shaped me into the staff I am today.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member because I have been playing SagePvP on and off for about the last year and I've really seen the server grow into what it is today and I feel like with my help I could help better improve the server. Also If i ever get staff on a server I am dedicated to that server and I put all my time into that server and also I am really active and helpful, and I feel like the server could somebody like me, who Is kind, active, dedicated and mature.


In the past few years the Minecraft community has clearly shown it's immaturity and because of that I strive to be the opposite. In my opinion there are a few things you have to be or not be to be mature and here are a few of them: Racism, in my opinion racism is very immature and people now just take it as a joke racism is not a joke and is a issue that the world needs to solve. We should never judge someone because they look different to us.

Being honest is a big factor in being a Staff-Member. If you are honest, you gain the trust of others. I've lied to too many people before, and I'm admitting it. I've grown up now and stand for my mistakes and for what I'm doing.

When I become staff at any server I always put my all in it. I live be a policy that is either than you put your all into something or don't do it at all, and I feel that because of my dedication I could really help improve the server

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If I were to get accepted, I would do my best to improve not only the players experience, but the server in general. I would make sure that the players can feel comfortable while playing on the server. While being online, I will always sit in teamspeak, ready to meet new people that are in need of help. I know that it can be frustrating to help people sometimes as a staff, but it's important to keep a cool atitude with the players you're helping, if not there's always going to be a bad vibe with players and staffs. Even though being too nice could have bad impact, you should always be respectful. When dealing with trolls, I like to troll them back sometimes, but not in a harmful way ofcourse. Staff's should also have the ability to have fun sometimes.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would consider myself an 8 or even a 9, this is because I really believe that I have all the keys to unlock the achivement of being a perfect staff. I have the professionalism, I am able to take criticism without getting hurt, I am a active staff that works efficiently. And last but not least, the communication. Communication is extremly important in all diffrent ways. When communicating with for example a player, being respectful and welcoming is a very good way of making the players like the staffs instead of hating them. Communicating with staffs is also another extremely important thing, if you can't communicate with the staffs in a good working way, you will never be able to have good teamwork which I also believe that I do have. But also at the same time nobody doesn't lie at all and If
I were to say I was 10/10 honest then that would be me lying.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Arazify
Additional Information?:
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