Denied Coggled's staff application [NA]

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New member
Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):
NA (NA East)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

VaultPvP (Admin): During my journey on Vault, I learned the basics of staffing and also learned to be communicative and work well together with a team. Although the server wasn't huge, I enjoyed the small community and player-base which was fairly non-toxic at the time that I was staff there. I also learned how to be a professional staff member and mature rather than being toxic and also inconsiderate to others. I factory reset my computer and do not have any real proof of me being staff here but compend was a Platform-Amin alongside me on this small server.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have enjoyed myself on Sage from the moment I joined the server. The server has always been my highlight of the day when I played it, whether I would be running in bases on HCF, or just chilling with friends on kits. I wanted to try and get staff on Sage after a while since I genuinely enjoyed the server, the server was really fun for me and it was the server I was most active on at times and why not put those hours to good use. I believe I should be accepted as staff on Sage as I am a staff member who understands players' issues and can be understandable and reasonable while trying to help them with their situation. In all my time on HCF servers, quite a few staff don't have this genuine understanding. I like to treat players kindly and only punishing them as they deserve, for example, I wouldn't punish or be toxic to a player as I may have had a past grudge against that, that is very unprofessional and wouldn't be needed as a trait of the staff team on Sage. I am very active and would've been able to be on the server around 2-4 hours a day. I want to be a staff member knowing that I can help any player in need so they won't have to struggle with their issues with the server, whether it a malicious person trying to make them harm themselves outside of the game or a player who is cheating to ruin their fun playing here. I know that staff members need to hear both sides of the story before making decisions and whether I can control the problem depending on my position on the server, like whether I need an admin to assist me with something. As well as knowing how to be a great staff member, I also have quite a few traits that will help me to be a staff member on Sage.

Honest - Honesty is crucial for a staff team to succeed, all staff team members need to know they could rely on their
team for any help and know they are fully trustworthy.

Patient - I can understand that some players will test my patience, but I will try my best and cope with it unless it gets too out of hand where the player needs to be punished.

Loyal - I will stick with the server and won't let it down.

Mature - Whether it will be understanding a player or screensharing a cheater, I will be mature and make sure to not give myself nor the server a bad reputation.

Dedicated - I will dedicate much to Sage, whether it will be my time and effort or otherwise.

Flexible - With the pandemic that has happened quite recently, flexibility has been a thing that has been stressed in life more. This can be through having to wear a mask, or perhaps not being able to go out to social gatherings. Flexibility is a trait that can be really useful in situations and I am quite flexible with situations and it can be a useful asset to the team.

Communicative - In order for a staff team to be completely connected and well-rounded, they need to communicate different situations whether it can be if they need help or if a certain situation needs someone else, communication is essential in staff teams.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If I get accepted, I will benefit the players' experience by punishing toxic players, cheaters, those who have malicious intents with taking down internets/revealing private information that should be private, and also helping players with concerns and issues that they may have. As a staff member, my job is to help the players' situations and also punish those who choose to violate the rules. In my time playing HCF servers with friends in the past, I have seen plenty of great staff members as well as plenty of bad ones. Throughout this experience, I have realized that the best staff members are fair and thorough with their punishments, making sure to get both sides of a story, making sure to be fair and equal to others regardless of their rank or association to me personally. I want to be a fair and just staff member at SagePvP to only benefit the server and also my own staff experience. I also would love to make some great friends with some of the others that are on the staff team :)

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
9/10. The reason for this is because humans naturally lie and it is impossible to never lie.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) compend

Additional Information?:
Thanks for reading my application.​



message me on telegram @deployable2 to setup an interview.
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