Denied Coggled Staff Application


New member
Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): coggled

Age: 15

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

VaultPvP (Admin): During my time on Vault, I learnt the fundamentals of staffing as well as how to communicate and work effectively with others. Although the server was small, I appreciated the small community and player-base, which was very non-toxic during the time I worked there. I also learnt how to be a professional staff member that is mature rather than toxic and disrespectful to others. I factory reset my PC and have no actual evidence of my employment here, however compend was a Platform-Admin on this little server beside me.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I've had a good time on Sage since I first joined it. When I was playing it, the server was always the joy of my day, whether I was running in bases on HCF or just hanging with friends on kits. After a while, I wanted to try and achieve staff on Sage because I genuinely enjoyed the server; it was a lot of fun for me, and it was the server I was most active on at times, so why not put those hours to good use? I feel I should be accepted as a Sage staff member because I understand players' difficulties and can be understanding and reasonable while attempting to help them with their condition. Throughout my experience on HCF servers, I've seen a number of staff members that lack this true understanding. I prefer to treat players respectfully and only punish them as they deserve. For example, I would not punish or be toxic to a player because I may have a grudge against them in the past; this is highly unprofessional and would not be needed as a trait of the Sage staff team. I am quite active and can been able to spend 2-4 hours each day on the server. I want to be a staff member so that that I can assist any player in need so that they don't have to deal with their server problems, whether it's a devious player attempting to cause them damage outside of the game or a player who is cheating to conquer their joy playing here. I understand that staff members need to hear all sides of the issue before making choices, and I'm not sure whether I can manage the situation based on my position on the server, such as if I need an admin to help me with something. In addition to learning how to be a wonderful staff member, I have a variety of traits that will benefit me as a Sage staff member.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If I am accepted, I will improve the players' experience by disciplining toxic players, cheaters, and those with destructive purposes such as bringing down internets or releasing sensitive information that should be kept secret, as well as assisting players with any problems or difficulties they may have. As a staff member, my role is to assist users in their difficulties while also punishing those who choose to break the rules. I've seen many of excellent staff members as well as plenty of negative ones when playing HCF servers with friends in the past. Throughout this process, I've learnt that the best staff members are impartial and thorough with their punishments, making sure to verify both sides of a story, and being fair and equal to others regardless of their status or affiliation with me personally. I want to be a fair and just member of the SagePvP staff in order to improve both the server and my own staff experience. I'd also like to acquire some wonderful friends with some of the other members of the staff team.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

8/10 - For a staff team to succeed, all team members must know they can rely on their team for any assistance and that they are completely trustworthy.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:

Thank you for reading my application, have good day :D


Denied. I suggest you apply for smaller servers first. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.