Denied Chronoxify Staff Application

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New member
IGN: Chronoxify
Age: 15
Region: NA
I was a Plat Admin on it was a hcf server that closed which really sucks because i loved to staff and make the server a better experience for the players.
I just wanna help the community out and really like sage so I figured it would be a great opportunity for me with my past experience and a great server with a huge community would be a Really cool experience .
I know i can approve the players experience I would be really nice if they need help with anything in-game or TS I would be there to help them out.
My honesty is about a 7 the only reason I would say 7 is because sometimes I lie irl but I would never lie in game bc there is no reason too.
None atm
I would really love this opportunity


Deleted member 5408

Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.
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