Accepted Change ss tools?

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New member
Sagepvp is currently using a ss tool called "Avenge"
there are so many reasons why u should change
-The exe isn't even signed
-File checks false flags system files
-Replaced/Shiftdeleted checks flags temporary files created by other programs
-False flags if your name is same as a string (i.e if you have your ign as a vape string, it will flag you for vape)
-Their developer(reahly) is a known ratter. (breached icetea's servers and replaced everyones download with a rat)ple
-People can literally send fake results to avenge's panel
there are so many other alternatives such as Paladin Safeshare Exodus Echo etc etc


Thanks for the suggestions! I've forwarded this to our head of SS from both timezones for review.
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