Denied CastNets Staff Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): CastNets

Age: 16

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would love to become a staff member for this server because I love watching Headed and seeing him as a staff on Sage makes me wonder how fun it would be to help out on the server and ban hackers/exploiters. Also, I believe the staff team would benefit my presence because I used to be staff on 3 servers, sadly the server are dead now but one of them that was big was Nova Craft, it was back 2 years ago I was a Jr Admin and I have great intelligence using staff tools and giving advice to players on the server. The other servers I was a Developer on both of them, I helped make staff tools, commands, and helped give ideas and create locations and buildings on the server, I am also a great at catching people hacking, I used to use cheat myself back on other servers a few years back, so I have inside detail on what hacks there are and will be easy for me to catch people hacking, I believe the staff team will be impressed with my skills on catching cheaters and improving as a leader and staff team helper.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If I become a staff member on this server, 1 player as of me that would affect the community wouldn't be huge but it would be very helpful, I am a tryhard at what I do for anything in life or any games I play, if I have a duty to complete I will do it no if ands or buts about it. But I will make a great impact on the server by reducing exploits/hacks that are presented in the server and would help players not go against as many exploiters/hackers.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would say a 9 out of 10, because nobody is perfect at anything, but besides that I wouldn't lie about anything to any authority/staff as a staff member and would make sure to keep my actions and words 100% positive in anything and everything I do.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) No

Additional Information?: I am a staff member on OPCraft and my name is Johnathan in IRL and would love to introduce myself more to every staff member if I get accepted in this staff member application. :)

Edit: Also, if you need any staff proof of me being a Helper on OPCraft let me know and I would be happy to prove it to you :)
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Sorry, but we won't be moving forward with your application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks time.