Denied BVV's Staff Application

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New member

Age: 14

Timezone: CST

Country: US

Do you own a quality microphone? Yes

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes.
Discord: Shreep#1166
Telegram: SHREEPxBVV

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I was staff on a server call HCRegions, I got to moderator before the server shut down. I only was able to screen share one person and I caught them with a xray forge mod built into keystrokes. I was also Admin on a server called CaldwellHCF. I know how to screenshare. I also had my own HCF and practice server so I know how the plugins work so I could set DTR for insiding or something like that.

Why do you want to become staff?:
I want to be staff on SagePvP because of how much I like the server and how much I think I can do for the server. I always play on the big HCF servers like VeltPvP or Arcane and I see cheaters and glitchers all the time and the staff are just doing something else or just not active enough. Whenever I'm a staff member on a server I make sure that every player that asks me a question is answered and satisfied. I do not like seeing a player angered and will always try to help them. I hate hackers; I have hacked before and I know how it makes other players feel. I have even been hacked on before; I know how hackers act and I know a lot of hacked clients and how they work. I know how some of the code works so I can find like reach hacks in mods. I can also screenshare for Vape V2/V3, Vea V8, Raven B1, Vape Lite, keystrokes reach or even Zuiy’s bsprkscore client. Another reason I would like to be staff is when I’m afk in my base and some kid phases through my fence gates and just ganks me before I even notice. Even when it's not me, I see people in chat yelling there is a hacker. When there are about 80 people online there are always people in chat like, someone is phasing or insiding ban him ban him and no one can do anything. I have even seen people go raidable because of hackers and they didn't get anything back, as staff I think if I get staff I could stop that from happening and save those bases/people that die to hackers, Other than that I really love the community and I love this server, it is a great HCF server and the admins are doing a very good job and I hope I can help in any way shape or form I can’t wait to see what is next and I hope I'm there as staff for the rest of it. This server is growing every day and I hope I can help it be even better.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
I am able to be awake at NA and EU times, but that doesn't mean that I do not have time for my own personal time. I still have time to do my own things as myself, but I like to dedicate time towards the things that I enjoy, and one of the things that I enjoy is staffing. Staffing - I know how to staff pretty well, and I also know how to detect hacks. I am usually pretty fast at detecting hacks. I also can do support rooms well, and I know how to talk to players. Talking to players is what I know I can do, and that makes support rooms just so much easier. I always see people sitting in support rooms for hours on end, and I would like to change that and finally be the person to just move them. I know what it feels like to sit in a support room and never be moved, and I hate that feeling, so that is something that I can definitely do. Personality - My personality is very different from most others. I have the type of personality that people like to be around but not for too long. I have a strong sense of humor, and I like to joke around from here and there. I know when to be serious and that is something that every staff member needs. I do not like to talk a lot, because I sometimes get bored of listening to myself, but I definitely think I have the type of personality that can really make people think, and that can cheer people up on a stormy day. Maturity - I like to think of myself as a pretty mature person. I know how to handle situations and I do not mess around with peoples feelings and thoughts. I can stir certain conversations and I can make people feel like they are with someone that they can trust and that they think is mature, not somebody that people think is annoying, disrespectful, and completely immature. Experience - I am an experienced staff member and I know what to do most of the times. The more experience you have the better you become at something, and with my previous experience, I feel like I learned a lot from other servers. Some of the things that I learned are, always double check, think twice, don't always question, stay silent, and many others. Grammar - When talking to people I am that type of person that hates blatant grammar mistakes. I like to talk to players and other people with perfect grammar and I try to use less of "u, rly, sry, and wdym," and instead use more of "you, really, sorry, and what do you mean." Whilst talking to members it would be extremely unprofessional to be using texting terms. I like to be a formal person and always state out my sentences and points with correct grammar so that everyone will understand what I am trying to say.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
I have talked to a few staff members and most of them think I am a chill person but I don't really know them so I don't think they would vouch for me.

Additional Information:
Nope that is all.


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Shreep, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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