Denied BAL00SH Staff Application


New member
Checked Requirements:
You must be at least 15 years old or above. No exceptions ✅

2. You must have general knowledge about HCF. Experience is experience, but if you've moderated an SMP
server your whole life that wouldn't show you how to moderate an HCF server. ✅

2. You must be extremely professional and mature. ✅

3. You must have a good quality microphone. ✅

4. You must have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak. ✅

5. You must have at least 600 words in your application before you submit it. ✅

IGN (In-Game Name):

Age: 17

Region (EU/NA/Other):
Timezone CEST, Location Scandinavia (EU)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I have gotten tons of experience. Which varies from the role Middleman to Ownership.
I've recently stopped on my online shop because of limited actions by the customers. I did receive a amount of 35+
customers in the first two weeks, which did give me allowance to work on a more professional way to teach myself the needs
and necessary things.

Not only that, but I've had at least 6 or 8 roles on different minecraft servers.
One of them was ExcileHQ which I had the role for managing the Junior staff
members and casual rule following such as chat and helping people in need.
The other server that would be worth mentioning is FFAPvP that had a achieving 300+ members on its release date, because of a partnership with Ziblackinggg. I had the role as Administration and to make sure each and every player was satisfied with their environment.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
At this time because of corona, I've had a lot of free time in hand. I do have a IRL job which includes helping and attracting customers, that is once or twice a week shift. So that will not take online playtime off Sage.

I think I also would fit in as a staff member because I enjoy helping players no matter what the circumstance is, I have always been someone who is involved with the community, and I enjoy helping others in general by making them enjoy their Minecraft experience and ensuring that all of their questions are answered on platforms such as Discord and in-game to the best of my ability. Also to ensure that they know all of their rules and advantages certain players have with ranks.

SagePvP has brought me a lot of good since 2020, I have never enjoyed a server as much as I enjoy Sage. I have made countless friends that have taught me so many good things, both in-game and IRL. I want to give back to the server what it has given to me in the past years, positivity, knowledge, happiness and excitement.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If there is something I am unsure about I will inform myself to make sure all the information I give out is accurate. Not only is it important that every player knows that we are here to keep the community safe and to ensure that all rules are followed but it is also important that they know we can also be nice and fun to be around. I also love to connect and chat with people!

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
My answer would make the reader a little thoughtful, because u might think I am rating myself too high. I rate myself as 10/10 but if you leave some scenarios, that might in-hold secrets of others which should not be revealed. Then Its bit of molding the honesty I have. Leaving some scenarios IRL then I would rate myself 8 out of 10, totally unbiased. After all what I personally think, is that I am pretty honest in life, which becomes to be a negativity most of the time. But I like things to be straight and honest. No hiding, no lying , no cheating. Problems and life does complicate when you are not honest about things.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
No, not that I know of.

Additional Information?:
I am multilingual, which would be very useful for the community. I speak three almost four different languages, grammatically correct as well. The languages are English, Danish and Turkish. I do speak other Turkic languages such as Azeri and Turkmen, but that wouldn't be much use since most of the other players already speak Turkish "instead".


Established member
Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.

I'd suggest using this time to add a lot more detail for your next application.