Denied Application for Staff

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New member

IGN: PegBoardz
I am 15 years old,
My timezone is BST/GMT,
I live in England,
I own a quality microphone,
I have discord, teamspeak and telegram,
I have previous staff experience such as blimpsg, venix, aramc, vallux.
I want to become staff to help the server because I feel like the server needs extra support to manage itselfs,
You should pick me because I have had previous experience as being a mod and admin and I want to better the server and make people stay on the server for as long as possible,
No staff can vouch me,
I can be on 5-9pm BST/GMT on weekdays and 1-11pm BST/GMT.


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @PegBoardz, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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