Denied alikr's staff application

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Previous staff experience:


Position - Helper

Experience - When i was staff on Minerift I learnt how to moderate the server and what to do in tough situations, it was my first time being a staff member and i was new to the scene, but i got the hang of it within a few weeks, i had a small level of screenshare knowledge but am by no means an expert.

Why did I leave? - I decided to leave Minerift because there were issues going around with the owners and soon after the server shut down due to reasons I cannot discuss because of an NDA.

Proof -

this was the closest i could get to the proof, I had my final college exams for 2 weeks so they demoted me in the beginning because of my inactivity but I did my job above expectation after. The server was a registered company in the UK.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member because I know my strengths and am willing to help others because I enjoy staffing and talking to players who are in trouble. I am now finished with school so I have a lot of time to put in towards this and I will be very dedicated to SagePvP. The server has had extreme player growth in the recent months and I feel like I would be a good fit to help the new players that come along. I also am an EU player which means i can put in certain hours the majority of the current staff team cannot. Another reason why I would like to be staff is because so i have a lot of knowledge on what is legit or not and what is possible on the server. I have a keen eye for cheaters and if someone is looking like they are cheating i would watch them for a while and then come to a conclusion.

I am a very respectful person and I like talking to new people and getting a good connection. I have a part-time job as a waiter so i know how to engage with new people. I am also a very confident person. I am willing to give my best effort because I have been an active player in the community for a long time and I know how it feels to get glitched on etc so I can be empathetic with players but not so lenient. I feel that this is a good skill to have as it would help players to trust me more.


I am not very good at screensharing, all I know is pca client methods but it is something I will strive to improve on.

Minimal experience is probably my biggest weakness as i have not been staff on a hcf server before but it has been my main gamemode for many years.

Patient, honest and reliable:
I am a very reliable person. I get what needs to be done, done on time and to high quality and exceed expectations. Because of my job at that restaurant, my patience is very high and i tolerate a lot

I am a very honest and trustworthy person as I am studying law and criminology at school when I return next year. So doing these subjects at school requires being a mature and honest person and is very hard to get accepted into. It also gives me many skills such as: honesty, fairness and empathy. This means i will be fair to all players and grant no exceptions, i am also a very mature and professional person when needed.

Can any staff members vouch for you?


Additional information:
I am looking to be a trial-moderator or helper at the moment, i am also practicing screensharing with my friends so i have better knowledge I was also good friends with a administrator on Faithfulmc when it was popular, he used to staff and i used to be in discord with him so i learnt a lot from what he did and he also let me me watch when he screenshared people. I have also gained experience through my friends because many of my close friends are staff members.
Thankyou for reading my application - alikr

Discord: indi#9527


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