Denied adaptative's Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):
Croatia, EU

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
PvPTemple (Proof) – Moderator/Translator
Duration: 2-3 Months

SecondLife (Proof) – Trial-Mod
Duration: 2 Months

Valux – Moderator
Duration: 2-3 Months

AlphaMC (Proof) – Moderator (was later promoted to Admin but I’ve lost the proof)
Duration: 1-2 Months
Server Shut Down

Discord Moderations outside Minecraft:
Balkan Kings (Famous Balkan Youtubers | 80,000 Members)
Duration: 3-4 Months

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I want to become staff because I have always enjoyed helping other people whether it's in games or real life. I have always enjoyed being a staff member, and I enjoy staffing in my free time. I believe that SagePvP could be a good place for me to continue my career as a staff member because I believe that I could learn a lot more from SagePvP. I think that the skills I have learned from my past staff experience could help me with this type of job. I have enjoyed playing SagePvP for that long time with my friend but most of them left Minecraft and because of that, I decided that staffing would be the best option for me right now and I think that SagePvP is the best server to start my staff career again.

The main reason why I want to be a part of the staff team is to keep the support of this community and possibly make it a better place for all of us. I have always enjoyed doing support rooms and meeting new people. I remember I used to do support rooms for hours and hours because I really enjoy helping people. I believe that it, not just the power you have as a staff member I believe it’s also how you use your power as a staff member and are you really making the server and community a better place for everyone. My MAIN goal is to make SagePvP a better place and I’m not applying for this position just to have that title of being a staff member, I really want to spend hours on SagePvP making it a better place.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:


Listening is one of the most important abilities in order to be a staff member. Being able to understand people's situations and how they feel about it is really important.

Work Ethic
I believe that I have a very strong work ethic. I can stay focused on one task as long as needed to get it done. Focus is more important than listening because if you can’t focus when someone is speaking, you are not listening to them and you are not able to understand them clearly. Also, I’m really persistent, which allows me to keep going even when it gets really rough. I believe that I have both a work ethic and persistence.

I’m really humble person. I always admit my mistakes and I’m wailing to learn from them. I will never treat someone differently just because of my title/rank. I will make sure that all players and staff members are treated with an equal amount of respect because I think that’s important in order to be a good staff member.

When being Staff on such a famous server such as SagePvP, I think that maturity is needed, I have been told by many people from other servers and by people I know in real life that I'm mature when it comes to getting the job done correctly and well. You won't see me having fun around and not doing anything when support rooms are full of people. I will always do the job first and having fun when it's time for that.

In my opinion, respect is the most important out of all on this list. When being staff you need to respect the players the way you wish to be respected. Not having a huge ego is very important. If you are respectful to others you can benefit not only yourself but the whole community, also if you are respectful to others you are benefiting yourself by making friends which is really important in life.

You will never see me being inactive if I don't have a valid reason for it. I spend most of my free time on my PC. I love grinding and I will always work hard to achieve my goals, in this case, to get promoted but not only that my main goal is to help others and that's the main reason why I'm writing this application.

I think being able to provide video evidence is a really good thing especially on the server with this many players such as SagePvP. I'm able to record in 4k60fps and I will always be able to provide sufficient evidence.

Teamwork is another really important ability for someone who is applying to be a staff member. Working with other people can lead to getting that job done in a shorter amount of time. In my past staffing experience, I had really good teamwork.

Learning Capability
I think the most important thing in life is to never stop learning. As much as I know already I’m always wailing to learn new things and will always try to learn as much as I can.

I’m always trying to be really nice to everyone because I don’t know what’s going on in their life. They might be living the best life or living the worst one I don’t know that’s why I’m always trying to be good to everyone and to motivate them.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
9, I personally think it’s impossible to be 10/10 and with that being said I think I am 8/10 because I know to tell minor lies to benefit me but I will never lie about some important stuff, etc.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
If you have any further questions feel free to contact me via Telegram (@adaptative) or you can DM me on Discord (maric#0001)​


Known member
You list a lot of skills that you have, but don't mention how those skills will allow you to improve the player experience. Your staff experience is good -- what kind of things have you learned from those experiences that will allow you to be a good staff member on Sage?


You list a lot of skills that you have, but don't mention how those skills will allow you to improve the player experience. Your staff experience is good -- what kind of things have you learned from those experiences that will allow you to be a good staff member on Sage?
Thanks for your feedback, I will make sure to add those things.


Senior Admin

It seems to me that you've copied your last application from July 11th 2021.

Following the "How to have a better chance of getting accepted" it states that
  1. Don't re-use your old application (instant deny).
My current rating remains neutral.

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It seems to me that you've copied your last application from July 11th 2021.

Following the "How to have a better chance of getting accepted" it states that
  1. Don't re-use your old application (instant deny).
My current rating remains neutral.

View attachment 1845
Yes, I have used my last application that has been denied because I rejected to take an interview, and reason is that my friend wanted to open his server so I have decided that I do not want to double staff, but he decided not to open it so I’m reapply with same application. I have contacted Deployable but I haven’t recieve any respons. Anyways, thank you for your feedback, have a nice day.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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