Denied absolutespoon - Staff Application [EU]

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):

19 years of age.

Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Sticky Piston Network(2014-2016:
In early 2014 I was appointed the moderator on Sticky Piston Network, SPN (Sticky Piston Network) was a relatively large factions server. While in the moderator role at SPN I had various responsibilities which I had to ensure I upheld and performed. I was taught how a moderator should behave and act. I was taught methods of detecting clients via screenshares which at the time was very simple and unsophisticated as hacked clients were not at the level at which they are now. It was simply going through a suspected cheaters .minecraft folder, recycle bin, modification dates and times of said folders to check whether a folder had been changed from the moments before the screen share had started. In mid 2015 I was promoted to the role of Senior Moderator which mean I also had to make sure that my fellow staff in both equal and lower roles were performing their responsibilities well and were not abusing the power a staff member had. Other responsibilities would be to answer players queries both in-game and on the forums. Keeping the chat clean and punishing players fairly. I resigned from my role as Senior Moderator in early 2016 as my love for the factions genre had been lost and I started to get more involved in PotPvP and HCF communities.

In 2015 I was appointed Moderator on Lichcraft which was a server which did survival/factions/HCF/Skyblock/duels and mini games. It was by far the biggest server which I played on with always averaging above 400 players at all times of the day. Similarly to Sticky Piston Network my training and responsibilities were very similar except for the fact I had to be taught the different protocols for the different party of the server. I also resigned early 2016 due to the same reason stated above.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member of SagePvP because I want to be apart of this growing server in a more internal manner, not only do I want to enjoy playing the server as a player but I also want to be apart or the team which allow this server to operate and succeed in the declining environment which most HCF servers are facing.

I also wish to deepen the knowledge which I have of HCF from a different perspective. I’ve played HCF since 2016 as a player, enjoying all the major servers at the time being Kohi, MineHQ, VeltPvP to later servers such as Arcane, Faithful. Then to currently playing Sage, Viper and Cave. Throughout this entire long journey of playing HCF it has always been that of a players experience but I want more. I want to face the difficulties and responsibilities which staff members of these major servers face on a day-to-day basis as not only will it give me a greater appreciation of my potential colleagues but of what it takes to be a successful server. If given the opportunity I will be given the chance to grow as person with skills I’ll acquire in this role which not only have real world employments implementations but it can also be implemented into who I am as a person. Allowing to gain skills which I may not have gained and also further develop the skills I already have.

Despite my reasoning thus far sounding selfish this so called selfishness will allow me to be the best staff member which I could possibly be as I strive to be perfect in everything that I do. I live of experiences and skills and want to apply the skills I have now to further develop Sage and also apply the future skills I will gain from Sage.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If I were accepted I would improve the players experience through the experiences which I have gained through my previous staffing experience despite it being such a long time ago, the responsibilities and behaviour wouldn’t have changed so significantly that I wouldn’t be able to perform my responsibilities as a staff member of SagePvP. Not only will I use my previous staffing experiences I will also use the skills and knowledge I have gained through employment. I have been employment multiple times and currently employed. In my employment I have been taught how to best serve and behave in front of customers(in sages case the players would be the customers). I would go more deeply into what I have gained through employment in my potential interview if asked.

To put it simply, I will improve the players experience by following the rules and guidelines set out to me and only use my discretion when I have definitive proof and the authorisation of those above me. I will not be bias, and treat each and every single player fairly and the same. I will uphold my manners and maturity in all scenarios even if my character is attacked. I will ask for help when I need help from those with more experience to ensure that punishments are given out correctly. I believe this will lead to me improving the players enjoyment on sage.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate my honesty at 10/10. This is because I always strive to be honest in every situation. Due to personal experiences I have faced many people who lie to take advantage of others and simply bring others down and I do not wish to ever be apart or something as toxic as that. I always maintain my honesty even when the honesty will not lead to the best situation for me. I believe brutal honesty is the best way of facing things, as ultimately it will lead to good for those involved.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:

I am from the United Kingdom, I work on weekends from 6:45am-4:15pm, and I’m at college Tuesdays-Fridays. I will be able to be active for roughly 3-4 hours each day regardless. I am available for an interview whenever is best for the interviewer.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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